
Distilled water is water that is produced through distillation which separates the liquid from other substances contained in it. The distillation process involves heating the water until it evaporates, eliminating bacteria or microorganisms, as well as leaving impurities behind. The steam is then condensed back into the water. 

In making cosmetic products, distilled water is used as a solvent. When you make your own beauty products, make sure to use purified water. Using normal tap water will decrease the quality and lifespan of your products because the water may contain substances or bacteria. This sometimes becomes the culprit of skin irritation or other skin problems.4

Distilled water also used for cleaning purposes due to its ability to bind dirt and impurities that comes in contact. Washing your face with distilled water will improve the penetration of products that you use after washing your face. This water is also good to use for cleaning build-ups on your hair. 

Coming to the beneficial properties of distilled water, we have listed down some of them for your hair:

  • Distilled water is devoid of any kind of harsh chemicals and will not have any damaging effect on your hair or scalp.
  • It can make your hair soft and smooth.
  • Regular use of distilled water is known to remove even the minute traces of mineral residues from your hair and scalp, thereby improving the condition of your hair and scalp.
  • It is also known to have a conditioning effect on your hair. Spraying some distilled water on your dry and frizzy hair can make your strands frizz-free and more manageable.
  • It helps to keep your hairstyle intact for a longer time and maintains your well-defined curls.

Used for:

  • Serums
  • Lotions
  • Creams

Recommended Usage:

  • 100%