This is an original, full-sized British 1918 India General Service Medal with the George V obverse with , 2 bars, Iraq, and Kurdistan,
to 441 Rfmn. Parbin Sing Negi, 1-39-R. Garhwal R.
The medal is completely original, with the rigid suspension as issued by the Calcutta Mint, and the bars are verified on the MIC card, a photocopy of which is included. The medal is VF+, although the rim is a little rubbed, probably by an IGS to which he appears also to be entitled. This is one of the nicest GSM 2 bars to a Garhwal I have seen, though.
For those who do not know, the Royal Garhwal Rifles was a respected and gallant Indian Army Regiment from the hills between Rajputana and Nepal. They had many of the characteristics of the Gurkhas, and also carried the kukri. During World War I they earned more gallantry decorations than any other Indian Regiment.