Up for grabs - Cool Old Casino Chip
Lucky Casino - Las Vegas, Nevada

Originally the Lucky Strike Casino, the Lucky Casino was popular in the 1950's with GIs and their families.  This is from the estate of a family friend.  We found it among his "treasures" so assume it was "lucky" for him for some reason...

10% of sale price donated to Doylestown, PA "Fore The Troops" - a non-profit that provides care packages to our troops overseas and assistance upon their return.  They also provide help to the families while the soldier is deployed. This particular group was chosen to honor my 80-year-old hero Dad, USAF Retired.  He flew for 27 years, everything from O-1's and O-2's in Vietnam (Silver Star, 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 24 Air Medals, etc.), C-124 Globemaster in and out of Vietnam, A-37s, A -10s and the 727 commercially. He said that other than letters from home, the occasional pair of clean/dry socks and candy are what got him through some tough times as a FAC attached to a Special Forces Unit in DaNang.  Thanks for helping take care of our servicemen and women.