5 DVD Set Bruce Chiu's Modern Filipino Arnis International Stick Fighting

5 DVD Set by filipino Modern Kali instructor Bruce Chiu.  This is a comprehensive set which covers this stick fighting art. Covers everything from the 12 Basic Strikes, Single, Double, Reverse Siniwalli, Empty Hand Applications, Abanico Drills, Disarms & Strikes, Defense, Counters, Takedowns, Locks, Throws, Advanced Stick Sparring and more! 

Former Law Enforcement Officer and champion Martial Arts competitor, Bruce Chiu has over 40 years in the martial arts. He was the youngest Instructor in White Crane Kung Fu, taught by Grandmaster Ngai Yuk Tong and holds multiple Black Belts. He was a personal student of the late Grandmaster Remy A. Presas, founder of Modern Arnis and currently teaches this filipino martial art.

Most manufacturers of specialty titles now DVD-R duplicate instead of replicate, and utilize inkjet printed covers. This may make the DVDs appear to be counterfeit, however, this is the standard manufacturing process used by Warner Bros and others. This DVD is 100% guaranteed authentic.