Offered in this listing is a Set Of 2 Kate Aspen Tea Cup Tealight Holders. These candleholders measure 2 7/8" wide x 1 5/8" tall.  In excellent, previously owned condition.

I love finding items that appeal to me on a personal level. Especially old china and glass ware. That said, I often sell a variety of items outside of this category. Whether a plate, vase, tea cup and saucer or toy, while the item appeals to me, it doesn't necessarily make me knowledgable about the item. If an item includes the original box, I will state so in the description. If an items appears to be missing something, please email me as I may be unaware that it is missing. I encourage asking questions and of course, I will answer all questions to the best of my ability. I try to provide as many pictures as possible to show an accurate representation of the item so please view the photos carefully.

Great care is taken in packaging my items so that they arrive to you safely. When choosing Priority Mail as your preferred method of shipping, items up to $50 are automatically insured. If you choose Parcel Select as your preferred method of shipping however, and you wish to insure your item, there will be an additional expense which requires an updated invoice. After receiving your request for insurance, I will send you an updated invoice so please wait to receive it before paying.

Payment expected within five days of the end of auction. Due to the high number of nonpayments, a resolution case will automatically be opened through ebay at the end of the 5 day period.

*** Check back for my upcoming listings ***

Note:  Many of my items are available for purchase in venues outside of eBay.  Seller reserves the right to end this auction at any time.

Also visit my husband's store - Cranky Art's Vintage and Unusual.