1889 Engadin Switzerland to Philadelphia USA w/ Letter - Stamp & Cancellation 

The stamp is marked "Helvetia 25 Franco"

There are many cancellation stamps on the envelope from Churwalden, Zurich, New York, Philadelphia, etc.

Condition of all items are as-shown. Please refer to the supersized photos for all condition details before bidding.

The letter included with the envelope reads, approximately, as follows:

"My Dear Mae,

You don't know how sorry I am that my US tour has never come off, 
I really thought it would at one time, but after communication with father
he persuaded me that I had not enough money to carry me through 3 months
and he didnt think it worth my while to go for less time. You see, as I am
earning nothing yet (though I hope to begin at Christmas) I have to depend 
entirely upon him for funds, and it would be rather hard on the others that 
I alone should be enabled to go such a long way and not some of them too, so 
I shall have to wait till I have made my fortune. (Unintelligible) by way of 
Rotterdam, Cologne, up the Rhine to Marantz France (unintelligible) and diligence
to this place. There is much a lovely air here, if I don't get well I don't 
deserve to. They are all Germans and (unintelligible) at Mrs. Persimon except
and American lady Mrs. Segira and her young daughter who keeps the place 
lively enough. The house looks west on fir covered hills sprinkled with snow, 
and south up the valley with grand views of mountains in the distance. I have
been very unlucky with weather up till now, as it has rained every day since 
being here though not continuously, and it's exceedingly cold at times. I am 
trying to study German but get on very slowly. I like the language better than 
French. I don't know how you have your meals in America, but he times here
are most extraordinary, breakfast is from 8:30 to 9 o'clock, which is 
reasonable enough, but dinner is about 12:15 A.M. tea at 4, and supper at
7 o'clock. If this letter is very disjointed you must excuse me as the young
American goes on jogging me as she doesn't wish me to write. Edward has been
awfully unfortunate for his holiday as directly he got to Brighton he had
his teeth out and before he had recovered from the effect he got pleurisy, 
that is nearly 3 weeks ago and he is still in bed but much better, for a 
fortnight mother and Mary sat up all night with him, one reason I came ahead
directly at the beginning of my holiday is because they don't want me at
home till E. is able to get up which I hope will be before the end of holiday.
Aug. 17th today is perfect, lovely, the sky a deep blue and not a cloud to 
be seen, the 1st day there has been without rain. Yesterday afternoon we
took the diligence to a place about 3 miles off called (unintelligible) and
then walked to a lake near on which we went in a boat and in the evening
walked back home. Now that I have passed my last exam I can get admitted
as a Solicitor when I like but don't think I shall till next year as it
cost much a lot, and also next year I can take my M.A. Degree if I like
but as that cost at least £20 I don't know if I shall. I expect I shall
be leaving London after Christmas, and shall try to get a clerkship after
that in the country by which we professionally understand any place but
London. I hope for your sake people are beginning to fall sick, but 
(unintelligible) will be a good time before you get together a large practice.
I had meant to go on to Geneva to finish my holiday and see some American
friends there, but I hear it is very close there in summer and this place 
suits me so well that I think I shall stop here for the whole of my 3 weeks, 
my lodging and board (very good too) here only costs 35 francs a week, i.e.
7 dollars I suppose. Please let Aunt Sarah know how sorry I am no to be coming
to see her this year, and give my relations you may see my love.

Your very after (?) cousin,
Walter J. Douglas"