MapEasy’s Guidemap to



Waterproof & rip-proof Polyart paper


A location map and Guidebook in one!

2002 MapEasy, Inc., Wainscott, N.Y.

ISBN 1-929038-04-6

18” X 27”

2 inches = approx. ¼ mile


Whatever you’re looking for…shopping, dining, hotels or sights…

you’ll find it all here in our unique easy-to-use guidemap format.


With detail maps for:

Central Shanghai – Greater Shanghai – People’s Park


Map locates Entertainment, Parks/recreation, sports/leisure,

museum/cultural, restaurants, cafes/coffeehouses, take-out,

bar/pub, hotel/motels, campgrounds/hostels, schools, hospitals,

retail stores, malls, discount shops, churches, synagogues,

mosques, temples, subway/metro, parking, rental car,

bus, train, airport, ferry, banks and more!



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