G'day from Down Under, Reader, and welcome to my listing,

The concept of the Tesla Tensor Technology comes from a fellow calling himself The Twisted Sage and he is to be found on YouTube, that is, if my readers are interested in knowing a bit more about Tensor Rings. The only thing that I bring to the table here is my expertise with resin.

I know that the Tensor Ring is not a perfect circle, but they are getting better. I'm fairly excited about this technology and perhaps I should have waited until I got the amulet  perfect before I put it on display, but honestly, I just can't help myself. This configuration in an amulet is the singular most potent configuration I've ever made and meditating with it is a very interesting experience.

This particular one, as my reader can imagine, is NOT for sale for the errors it contains. The Tensor Ring will perform its magic whether it is perfectly round or not, but it isn't as aesthetically pleasing as one that is perfectly round. If any of my readers wants one, they can expect to receive an identical copy without the small errors. Half the Amulet is impregnated with Shungite dust from Ukraine and other half has been left clear. Shungite has a massive affinity with water and since we, humans, are 70% water, it makes complete sense to me to make an item, like an amulet, out of Shungite to be worn close to the body. I have a Shungite bracelet, which I haven't been able to take off in appreciation of the wonderfully high vibration I receive off of it. My reader will notice that the back of the amulet does not have the same high gloss level as the front. This is because Shungite does not polish to a bright lustre and remains as a semi-gloss. To confirm the truth of this aspect, my reader need only view a few Shungite tumbled stones on eBay to find that there is no such beast as high gloss Shungite. I have since made myself a pinky-ring out of a piece of Tensor Ring that has been flattened, similar to the ring worn by the Twisted Sage in his videos and I am truly amazed at the energy from such a small item

*Postage for international customers will be the price of posting a standard international letter, i.e. no more than $4.00. EBay's software will initially charge anywhere from $14.10 to $23.00, but if one of my readers purchases this item and pays full price for postage, they can expect to find a refund of most of the postage in their inbox, as soon as I know how much the postage is. *

The silver chain that used to come free with the amulet has been discarded, because they tarnish very quickly, can't be cleaned and break very easily - I found out the hard way, by wearing one myself. The new stainless steel ones are much stronger and don't tarnish. However, I would recommend the purchase of a better chain, something a bit sturdier, perhaps, if the amulet is going to be worn constantly. I purchase these chains from a wholesaler and provide them as a courtesy service for those customers who may not have a chain but I can't guarantee their durability in the same way I can guarantee the durability and quality of the amulet itself. The amulet is unconditionally guaranteed, but I can offer no guarantee with regard to the chains. Please don't hold me responsible for a broken chain.

The coil in the centre is a Tesla cut to a half length of the Royal Cubit, which is 524mm. A cubit, which, whilst sounding very ancient and occult, is simply the length of the human forearm of the day; forearms seem to be a fraction smaller today. It is interesting that there are several different cubit lengths, some of which, like the Lost Cubit, have measurements that go three or four places past the decimal point and cannot be achieved accurately with our so-called modern technology. Now, coils have two sides, back and front, or male and female (for more information on coils please go to an one of my write-ups on pyramids under the title 'The How And Why Of Orgone Generators' in a green font). The coil is placed in the Amulet with the clockwise aspect of it facing the wearer's body. Worn in this way, no matter where the wearer is, the coil will present to the environment as an EMF/RF magnet, causing all EMFs in the area to be attracted to it. The coil will then split all incoming EMFs, the Anions, the good guys, are directed into the wearers body, and the Cations are directed outward. Without an EMF/RF magnet such as this, one's own body's electrical field becomes the EMF magnet instead; dirty electricity will be attracted to the body's electrical field and will play havoc with it.

Around the coil is a drizzle of Chalcopyrite and Pyrite for colour and glitter. I can't bring myself to use craft glitter, or glow in the dark powder, or any unnatural effect, in any of these, but I have no compunction in using the natural sparkle and glitter of Chalcopyrite and Pyrite. As far as I am concerned, this Amulet is what my reader can expect to see from me from now on; I can't go past this design; it is so complete. One finds oneself creating and creating until one reaches a point, where one cannot add or subtract anything from the finished item, and that's how the Amulets have become for me. These are my end product. Of course, there will be other additions in place of the Pyrite, like Amethyst, Aventurine and so on, and other coils such as Triskelions will be added in place of the Tesla coil, but the basic configuration my reader sees before them here is the pinnacle of everything I know and it will not change. And I simply cannot go past Shungite against the skin for its beneficial qualities. This Amulet is an extremely useful creation and can be used to purify and structure water if left immersed in a glass of water for 15 minutes. Wear Shungite against the skin and every molecule of water in your body will be structured, transformed and vibrating with pleasure - you will feel it.
