NEW LEATHER WALLET CASE COVER FOR Various Nokia Mobile Phone Nokia 1, Nokia 1 PLUS, Nokia 2.1, Nokia 3, Nokia 3.1, Nokia 3.1 Plus, Nokia 5, Nokia 5.1, Nokia 6, Nokia 6.1, Nokia 7, Nokia 7 Plus, Nokia 7.1, Nokia 8, Nokia 8.1, Nokia 8 Soricco, Nokia 9 Pure View , Nokia 2.2, Nokia 7.2, Nokia 6.2, Nokia 2.3, Nokia 1.3, Nokia 5.3

Phone Case:

  • Made of durable, high-quality PU leather to provide stylish protection
  • Protects your phone from damage and scratches
  • Fits your phone's shape perfectly while providing easy access to vital functions
  • Easy to install and remove
  • 100% perfect fit

If for any reason you are not happy with this item please let us know and we will arrange a