First published 1972, 360 pages, 1 picture, paperback.

For years Ena Twigg brought her sitters into contact with people long dead. ENA TWIGG - MEDIUM is the amazing account of her life, outstanding powers, and numerous encounters with ‘the other side.’
 It was originally conceived in response to many thousands of requests from sitters, would-be sitters, and the distressed or simply curious. Her predictions and psychic gifts form a chronicle of psychic experiences which is a landmark in the literature of mediumship and Spiritualism.

In this book the authors write about the case of Cynthia Sandys and Rosamond Lehmann, friends of Ena’s, both of whom lost their daughters within a couple of years of them being married, and how they achieved communication with, not just through Ena’s mediumship, but also their own. 

Cynthia and Rosamond published there own communications in two small booklets. The publisher has included them in this edition to enable the reader to complete this amazing account of survival.