Bahamas Overview Chart, 4th Edition 2019

Bahamas Overview Chart, 4th Edition 2019

The best-ever intuitively colored chart of the entire Bahamas chain, including the Turks and Caicos.  Cartography you trust by The Explorer team of Monty Lewis and Kate Fears.

Special Features including:

  • 19"x25"
  • Waterproof/tear-proof
  • Suitable for framing (shipped unfolded in a tube)
  • Excellent for overall planning
  • Showing majenta routes of longer passages
  • Perfect for family or friends to follow your route
  • Small-scale (1:1,650,000) from Ft. Pierce, FL to Great Inagua
  • Including Turks and Caicos Islands, Cuba, the Cay Sal Bank, and the Cochinos Bank
  • Containing table of nautical symbols, abbreviations, and terms