One of the most beautiful of the pre-decimal coins. The Three Penny Bit, known as the "Thrup'ny bit" doesn't look dissimilar to the old £1 coin.

GUYS, buy a pair for your wife, tell her she's now got the best pair of Thrup'ny bits ever. AND AS A SPECIAL BONUS, BUY TWO, GET TWO FREE!

YES, buy NOW and you'll get FOUR Thrup'ny bits, so you'll have a spare pair for your girlfriend too!

GIRLS, buy now and you can give a pair to your husband AND boyfriend, YES buy NOW and you too get four beautiful untouched coins!

See the smile on their face as they handle your wonderful Thrup'ny bits!

ULTIMATE BREXIT GIFT XXX. Dispatched with Royal Mail 1st Class - Because only THE KING's ROYAL MAIL is good enough for quality Thrup'ny Bits!

These are BRAND NEW and came straight from the previously sealed bullion bag (the picture is of the bag tag - the tag isn't included in this sale). I handle these beautiful Thrup'ny bits with gloves, so you, or some lucky lover, will be the very first person EVER to touch them.

* (Cockney Rhyming Slang is purely a coincidence)