Feeder Fishing Hooks TRABUCCO XS SPECIMEN,
Micro Barb, 15pcs

High Carbon Steel Hooks, Chemically Sharpened

The symbol identifying this series can be read under double meaning: “extra strong” as super-rugged, but also “excess” as exaggeration. Either way, a nice program in any fishing situation involving high stress and extreme pulls, because exceeding in the resistance never hurts. The forged bend is ready to bear everything, strictly cooperating with the high, beaked point. In the larger sizes, it is ideal for hair-rigged mini boilies, now permanently present in the bait bag of all commercial fans.

In spite of being oriented to same fish species of some other fishing techniques, the feeder fishing has some peculiarities that make necessary specific hooks. First of all, the existence of a match circuit has increased the awareness of hookbait balance importance, in which the weight of the hook matters greatly.

The extensive use of multi-fiber lines, without any elasticity, puts the hook under extreme stress, despite the use of shock leader surely cushions it. Finally, the Method Feeder involves short hooklinks and causes strong reactions by the fish, because the bait presentation is so good that the takes are quite confident: a scenario in which the hook must bear enormous traction, concentrated in a short time span. That’s why we developed this special hook’s range, finished in Matt Black,mostly eyed and featuring an accurate balance between strength of the structure and efficiency of the point.

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