This CD is a combo of the 2 CD's (4.9 GB of info in over 1,700 files) I am selling containing the Custom Victory in the Pacific Map and the CD with all the custom art work, original art work, maps, general magazine articles, 25+ books (PDF) Anatomy of the Ship plus books like Fire in the Sky and Germany and the Second World War (6 volumes - including volume 4) and many other books several of a technical nature such as all the ships of the Japanese nave from 1865 - 1945. The PDF are for the most part very well done and all are readable/printable. See the other 2 Auctions for the details on what this CD contains.

Added Plan Orange beginning in either 1931 or 1935. Counters (Front & Back) + Rules & Notes.

This CD is for the game creator or for a person that wants to repair or enhance the War at Sea (WAS)/Victory in the Pacific (VitP) experience. All original parts are here from the ships to the connector maps. There are custom ships as pictured that feature the actual ship Icon in place of the black
Silhouette. shape of old. All created ships are from the AH guidelines for fire power, armor, speed, air component, entry date, etc... There are 100's of ships that were never built like the 3 sisters of the Hood class and others that the 1922 Washington (5-Power Treaty) put an early end to. There are ships that were never built like the Montana Class, 4th Yamato (the 3rd & 4th Yamato class are done as both carriers and battleships, just for an example as to how deep the 1,000 or so created ships include. Also included are more (20) SNLF and larger units to the divisional level. I also created Carrier Air so carriers can target separate units, CAP, and other uses. You will find all the German Raiders and more, extra Subs, Italy has its entire line of Light Cruisers (CL) as well as ships taken from the French. The Italians & Germans have their entire line of carriers with carrier air. Plan-Z from the 1938 plan is also in the created ships. The Japanese/US ships from the 1985 Japanese Gaming Magazine (Eight-Eight Fleet) are also included in that form as well as custom form with more in-depth research. I have over 50 technical books on ships and at least 5 atlases to draw this material from as well as the web of course. Let us just say with the exception of the French & Russian navies I went to town on the many possibilities of construction. I plan to finish the other 2 navies some time but I have picked up a major client as an oil & gas consultant so my time is limited now.

Every ship AH made in the original games and add-ons from the General Magazine are on the CD as well as custom articles dealing with about 150 ships (Over 45 IJN carriers in that one alone). Articles stating different speeds or armor, etc... the ships are here in JPEG or Bitmap form ready to print & mount. Between the AH originals and add-ons and the custom created ships, there are well over 1,000 ships ready to print in addition to about 500 land, air, carrier air, raiders, convoys (more that AH had as well like the Malta invasion), even the Dover patrol is here in the original as well as custom form. The facilities include sub pins, flak towers, extra repair yards, 50+ DD flotillas, and more. War at Sea & WAS2, Crete,  are here in original, re-digitized original & custom. The entire Victory in the Pacific has been redone & re-digitized and includes all the CL's, all the IJN CV, CVL,, CVE, CVX, & Army Carriers and even down to the 2 CL's that Japan captured from China. The custom version of VitP has over 450 ships with carrier air, LB Air, More Land units (Fight the normal way or use the same damage system that the ships use), all ships have the entry turn on them. For the monthly turn VitP map game, I have placed many of the weakly dates on the US ships.

You can play the normal game, add-on features, or game out any battle from, the Marianas, Leyte Gulf, Midway, Pearl Harbor, The Slot, PQ-17, Hunt for the Bismark, Graf Spree, Med battles, Bismark Sea, Santa Cruz, Java Sea, IJN Indian Ocean vacation, Coral Sea, and More or any What If? You want. The Ships are here to do any of them. The good thing about being on CD is that you can make any amount you want or change any value you want, make a mistake cutting???? Just print again.

All work was done in Windows Paint pixel by painful pixel and all files are in Bitmap, PDF, & JPEG Some are done in Bitmap with another in PDF. Please remember to make a copy of the original before you change anything.

All the pictures above are from files contained on this CD. The created Art Work ranges in size from 24MB to 240MB (Map) per file.

If you have any doubts that this is the end-all-be-all of War at Sea game family reference disks, please see the feedback. There are over 1,500 files including many ship drawings, maps, historical pictures I found (Not many), and so much more. I hope you enjoy.

I added some Books I found in PDF.
13 Anatomy of the Ship Books, Warspite, Bismarck, Fuso, Intrepid, Yamato, Essex, Hood, Dreadnaught, Flower Class Corvet, 44-gun Frigate Constitution, Type VII U-Boat Type XXI U-boat and 32-Gun Frigate Essex.
Other books include:
A War of Their Own Bombers Over  the Southwest Pacific, Fire in the Sky, Fuehrer Conferences, Japanese Battleships, Japanese Carriers and Destroyers, Japanese Cruisers of the Pacific War, Japan's Decision for War in 1941, REGIA MARINA Italian Battleships of World War Two, The British Empire and the Second War, and Warships of the Japanese Navy. 1869 - 1945. (This Book is Fantastic).

Lastly; I will include about 750+ pictures of WWII and a few WWI and fewer Modern ships. Some are common photos and some are not common at all to the point I have never seen them. Honestly, some great pictures.

I will combine shipping through refund (until I have the time to figure out how to use the auto combine feature).

Shipping will be done in the US by Priority Mail and I will post a tracking ID.

Thank You for looking.