Helichrysum essential oil has recently become the ultimate anti-wrinkle oil in luxurious skincare products. Helichrysum oil has powerful healing ability and some believe it is nature's best healer for skin regeneration, healing scar tissue, reducing visible damage of scars and restoring and reversing skin damage.

Helichrysum oil is known to stop minor bleeding from wounds, cuts and even nose bleeds. It is a powerful and effective anti-inflammatory capable of reducing pain and inflammation very quickly. Helichrysum oil has a rich aroma and is known for its remarkable fast acting healing action.

Spiritually, Helichrysum has a similar effect. People who are in emotional pain can benefit from the balancing and supporting energy of this essential oil. It is said to help with the healing of emotional trauma and comfort individuals who may be experiencing difficulties or struggles within. This essential oil is a tonic, restoring physical as well as emotional strength and vitality.

Our Helichrysum essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering tops of the organically grown Helichrysum Italicum in Corsica, this region is known to produce the best quality Helichrysum.
Helichysum is also known as Everlasting or Immortelle due to its ability to heal, rejuvenate, renew and regenerate skin.

Product Details

Botanical name: Helichrysum italicum
Origin: Corsica
Extraction method: steam distilled
Plant part: flowers
Cultivation: Organic
Note: middle
Aroma: warm, rich, radiant, balsamic
Color: clear

Properties and Benefits

Relieves arthritis and rheumatic pain
Helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Promotes healing of scars and scar tissue (massage daily on site)
Powerful anti-inflammatory action - reduces inflammation and swelling
Speeds up healing of cuts and wounds
Healing for bruising that results in hematoma
Helps stop minor bleeding - minor cuts and nose bleeds
Stimulates the healing and skin regeneration in burns
Supports healing of torn or inflamed tissue, muscles, joints, tendons or ligaments
Helps relieve spasms and cramps
Promotes cellular health - stimulates cell regeneration
Assists in detoxification of lymph system
Soothing for eczema and psoriasis
Calms skin hives, rashes and allergies
Liver tonic

Emotional Energetics

Helichysum stimulates the right side of the brain and increases one's awareness and dream activity. It is ideal for those who feel emotionally cold or blocked particularly if warmth and affection was not received as children. Those who are rigid, have self-denying thought patterns and are harsh judges may benefit from using the subtle energies of immortelle.

Blends well with

Black pepper, blue tansy, cedarwood, clary sage, german chamomile, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, lemon, palmarosa and rosemary. 


Non-toxic and non-irritating.


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