Bombers Colin Miles Eggbutt

The Eggbutt cheekpiece prevents pinching of the lips and give a slightly more solid feel against the side of the face. It also prevents the bit being pulled through the mouth. The release is slower and also introduces some poll pressure.

The Colin Miles is a great schooling bit with a 55mm centre piece creating greater tongue pressure and reducing bar pressure. The rings give the horse something to play with and help keep the horses attention on the bit.

This particular joint exerts more pressure than the Control Plate or Elliptical.

The True Blue

Peter Bomber Nel owner of Bombers Bits, designs and manufacturers the unique True Blue Bit. Their Bits are handmade originals and made from the finest materials. We also have our Bespoke Service for those wanting something special! Please contact us with your requirements.

Sweet Iron

All our bits are made from blue sweet iron, because it:

Please note the blue will fade with use.