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Piano Lessons Book Three by Marion Harewood 9780571503117 (Paperback, 1973)


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Product details

Language of text:
9780571503117, 978-0571503117
Marion Harewood
Faber Music Ltd
Piano Lessons, Faber Edition: the Waterman / Harewood Piano Series
Faber Music Ltd
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
175mm (w) x 295mm (h) x 9mm (d)


Piano Lessons Book Three is a part of The Waterman/Harewood Piano Series, and intoduces more advanced pieces and a wider range of repertoire from CPE Bach and WF Bach, Farnaby and Couperin, to Kabelevsky and Britten. The book also contains an extensive appendices of scales, arpeggios and exercises. Piano Lessons Books 1?3 are the central course books of this highly successful piano method aimed at the older beginner. Devised jointly by distinguished authors Dame Fanny Waterman and Marion Harewood, the series is established as one of the foremost piano methods. Technical material is skilfully and imaginatively presented, while each chapter guides the young player towards the successful performance of a comprehensive selection of pieces and studies. The Waterman/Harewood Piano Series has been devised jointly by the world famous piano teacher Fanny Waterman and the co-founder of the Leeds International Piano Competition, Marion Harewood, and is established as one of the foremost piano methods.  

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Piano Lessons Book Three by Marion Harewood 9780571503117 (Paperback, 1973)

UK delivery is within 4 to 6 working days.
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Product details
Language of text:English
Isbn-13:9780571503117, 978-0571503117
Author:Marion Harewood
Publisher:Faber Music Ltd
Series:Piano Lessons, Faber Edition: the Waterman / Harewood Piano Series
Imprint:Faber Music Ltd
Publication date:1973-01-01
Product dimensions:175mm (w) x 295mm (h) x 9mm (d)

Piano Lessons Book Three is a part of The Waterman/Harewood Piano Series, and intoduces more advanced pieces and a wider range of repertoire from CPE Bach and WF Bach, Farnaby and Couperin, to Kabelevsky and Britten. The book also contains an extensive appendices of scales, arpeggios and exercises. Piano Lessons Books 1?3 are the central course books of this highly successful piano method aimed at the older beginner. Devised jointly by distinguished authors Dame Fanny Waterman and Marion Harewood, the series is established as one of the foremost piano methods. Technical material is skilfully and imaginatively presented, while each chapter guides the young player towards the successful performance of a comprehensive selection of pieces and studies. The Waterman/Harewood Piano Series has been devised jointly by the world famous piano teacher Fanny Waterman and the co-founder of the Leeds International Piano Competition, Marion Harewood, and is established as one of the foremost piano methods.  
About Wordery
Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers. With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks, and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.#HappyReading