Roll the dice, create your domino and watch your kingdom grow!

Domino by domino fill in your map while entrusting the territories of your kingdom to loyal nobles. Use the power of the wizards to cast spells and strengthen your domain!

In this head to head battle, will you be crowned King?

What’s in the box?

How to play:

Kingdomino Duel is a completely independent game which preserves the essence of the acclaimed original Kingdomino.

Kingdoms are made up of domains, which are groups of identical coats of arms, connected either horizontally or vertically. Domains score points at the end of the game equal to the number of nobles (crosses) in that domain multiplied by the number of its coats of arms.

Player A rolls all four dice and picks one. Player B gets to choose two, and then Player A takes the remaining die. Your two dice form your domino – now you need to draw it on your kingdom!

Each time a coat of arms without a cross is added to a kingdom, fill in a square in the spellbook corresponding to that symbol. If you’re the first person to fill in a coat of arms, you get to use that wizard power!

As in Kingdomino, you’ll need the nobles to score!

Once you have filled in your grid, or cannot add any more dominos, total up your points. Highest score wins!


Kingdomino Duel reinforces problem solving, visual perception and maths skills.

Players: 2
Age: 8+