Essential fatty acids (EMA) from the Omega 3 and Omega 6 series cannot be synthesized in the body, so they need to be taken in through food or dietary supplements from the first days of life.
The lack of essential fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6, GLA) present in patients with atopic dermatitis, eczema, allergic rhinitis-sneezing, asthma has been scientifically proven.
By preventive use of dietary preparations with increased content of Omega 3, omega 6 and GLA, we reduce the risk of developing the disease and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.
EMCs are important modulators of inflammatory processes. Participate in the synthesis of prostaglandins 1 (PGE1) which have an anti-inflammatory effect, ie. reduce inflammatory processes in the body. They are completely safe because they do not show harmful effects like synthetic corticosteroids, which are most often used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, eczema, allergic rhinitis and asthma.
Which omega to choose?
Fish oils: In our market, there are dietary preparations mainly of animal origin, fish oils that do not contain essential fatty acids but their derivatives. They also do not contain gamma linoleic amino acid (GLA), which is necessary for the proper growth and development of a child from the first days of life. An important factor that must be taken into account is the purity of fish oil. They can be contaminated with toxic compounds such as lead, mercury, arsenic, dioxins, PCBs and others, which can have a negative impact on human health. They are not recommended for use in very young children.
Vegetable oils: with an increased content of essential fatty acids and GLA found in the seeds of black currant, soybean, borage, evening primrose, flax .. These vegetable oils are standardized and highly refined, so they are a safe choice. They do not contain allergens, they are colorless and odorless, so they are recommended for children, pregnant women

Omega junior drops are recommended:

    In children with allergic manifestations (atopic dermatitis, eczema, rhinitis, bronchial asthma),
    During the application of vitamin D,
    During infections,
    In children suffering from malabsorption syndrome, celiac disease, food allergies,
    In cases of malnutrition due to gastrointestinal disorders of various origins,
    Baby milk supplement,
    Dietary supplementation in obese children,
    Dietary supplement for pregnant and breastfeeding women,
    Supplement to the diet,
    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases,
    Development of brain functions.

Omega junior drops contain purified oils (black currants, soy) with increased content of omega 3, omega 6, GLA as well as vitamins E and B6.
Black currant oil is the only source of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) whose presence in the body is necessary for normal growth and development.
Also, these essential fatty acids help regulate epidermal proliferation and regeneration of surface parts of the skin, so doctors recommend them to alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, eczema ...

Method of application:
from 0 months

    Infants on breast milk: 5 drops 1x daily
    Infants from cessation of breastfeeding up to 1 year: 30 drops 2x a day
    Children older than 1 year: 30 drops 3 times a day

It does not contain preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, gluten.

Packaging: 30ml