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Giles The Collection 2021 by Carl Giles 9780600634782 (Paperback, 2020)


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Product details

9780600634782, 978-0600634782
Carl Giles
Octopus Publishing Group
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
210mm (w) x 279mm (h) x 15mm (d)


****The nation's favourite cartoonist - Express**** Giles enthusiasts will be thrilled with this latest collection of classic cartoons. Capturing Giles's trademark style and British humour, the 2021 annual takes a look at the biggest names of the 20th century, from politicians such as Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher to members of the royal family such as Princess Margaret and Queen Elizabeth. Giles also brilliantly details the celebrities whose names and stories were swept up by the national press during the 20th Century. From Christine Keeler, an English model who was at the centre of the Profumo Affair during the 1960s to Michael Fish, the BBC weather correspondent, who was lampooned for underestimating The Great Storm of 1987. Fans of Giles will be delighted to receive the latest annual compilation featuring 150 cartoons to enjoy from the archives of one of the most celebrated cartoonists of the once biggest selling daily newspaper in the world, the Daily Express, whose work led to him being voted the best cartoonist of the 20th century.

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Giles The Collection 2021 by Carl Giles 9780600634782 (Paperback, 2020)

UK delivery is within 4 to 6 working days.
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Product details
Isbn-13:9780600634782, 978-0600634782
Author:Carl Giles
Publisher:Octopus Publishing Group
Publication date:2020-09-03
Product dimensions:210mm (w) x 279mm (h) x 15mm (d)

****The nation's favourite cartoonist - Express**** Giles enthusiasts will be thrilled with this latest collection of classic cartoons. Capturing Giles's trademark style and British humour, the 2021 annual takes a look at the biggest names of the 20th century, from politicians such as Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher to members of the royal family such as Princess Margaret and Queen Elizabeth. Giles also brilliantly details the celebrities whose names and stories were swept up by the national press during the 20th Century. From Christine Keeler, an English model who was at the centre of the Profumo Affair during the 1960s to Michael Fish, the BBC weather correspondent, who was lampooned for underestimating The Great Storm of 1987. Fans of Giles will be delighted to receive the latest annual compilation featuring 150 cartoons to enjoy from the archives of one of the most celebrated cartoonists of the once biggest selling daily newspaper in the world, the Daily Express, whose work led to him being voted the best cartoonist of the 20th century.
About Wordery
Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers. With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks, and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.#HappyReading