Korda Goo has taken the carp world by storm over the last few years and as you will know there are quite a few flavours now and its also not cheap to buy!  

Ask yourself, how many times do you see anglers with part bottles of Goo at the bottom of their bait bags?  No Goo is better than the next, I believe it is all down to personal choice and want matches your hookbaits best so rather than shell out £15.00 for a bottle you only find doesn't suit you, why not try a sample first?

If you are unfamiliar with Goo, the general rule of thumb is that the "Smokes" are thicker than the "Supremes" and are more used to coat hookbaits, whereas the Supremes are much thinner and generally used to soak in to hookbaits.

These samples come in 10ml mini dropper bottles, which are more than enough to coat a tub of bait.

Therefore if you want to try some of the range before taking the plunge on buying full bottles here are a few of their range available from me in 10ml sample bottles. 

I do not stock full bottles as I simply do not have the storage for them sadly.