• Model Number:
    • Cisco AIR-CT3504-K9 and Power Adapter 

  • Quantity Available: one(1)

  • Quantity: ONE (1)

  • 1 Console cabl



(Cisco Controller) >show license al

        Feature name: ap_count
        License type: Evaluation
        License Eula: Not Accepted
                Evaluation total period: 12 weeks 6 days
                Evaluation period left: 89 days
        License state: Inactive, Not-In-Use
        License Nodelocked: Yes
        RTU License Count: 150

        Feature name: ap_count (adder)
        License type: Evaluation
        License state: Active, Not-In-Use
        License Nodelocked: No
        RTU License Count:00

        Total available count : 0
        Total inuse count : 0


(Cisco Controller) >show sysinfo

Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.
Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller

OUI File Last Update Time........................ N/A
Build Type....................................... DATA + WPS

System Name...................................... ugur
System Location..................................
System Contact...................................
System ObjectID..................................
Redundancy Mode.................................. Disabled
IP Address.......................................
IPv6 Address..................................... ::
Last Reset....................................... Soft reset due to RST_SOFT_RST write
System Up Time................................... 0 days 0 hrs 27 mins 15 secs
System Timezone Location.........................
System Stats Realtime Interval................... 5

--More-- or (q)uit
System Stats Normal Interval..................... 180

Configured Country............................... US  - United States
Operating Environment............................ Commercial (10 to 35 C)
Internal Temp Alarm Limits....................... -10 to 80 C
Internal Temperature............................. +58 C
Mgig Temp Alarm Limits........................... -10 to 78 C
Mgig Temperature................................. +47 C
External Temp Alarm Limits....................... -10 to 71 C
External Temperature............................. +40 C
Fan Status....................................... OK
Fan Speed Mode................................... Disable

State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled
State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled
Number of WLANs.................................. 1
Number of Active Clients......................... 0

OUI Classification Failure Count................. 0

Memory Current Usage............................. 34
Memory Average Usage............................. 34
CPU Current Usage................................ 0

--More-- or (q)uit
CPU Average Usage................................ 0

Flash Type....................................... Compact Flash Card
Flash Size....................................... 1073741824

Burned-in MAC Address............................ 00:59:DC:C3:0D:00
Maximum number of APs supported.................. 62
System Nas-Id....................................
WLC MIC Certificate Types........................ SHA1/SHA2
Licensing Type................................... RTU


(Cisco Controller) >show inventory

Burned-in MAC Address............................ 00:59:DC:C3:0D:00
Maximum number of APs supported.................. 1
NAME: "Chassis"    , DESCR: "Cisco 3500 Series Wireless LAN Controller"
PID: AIR-CT3504-K9,  VID: V01,  SN: FCWxxxxxxx