This is a reproduction of one of the four Berserker pieces found with the Isle of Lewis Chessmen cache. This piece is a full sized reproduction of the original, and is one of the best portrayals of the infamous Berserkers, which are signatures of the Isle of Lewis chess set. This piece is currently housed in the British Museum, along with the majority of the rest of the Isle of Lewis Chessmen.

 The Berserkers were Scandinavian warriors of legend, who were known for their unflinching and somewhat insane valor in battle. Thought to have worked themselves into a frenzy prior to clashing, they would fight to the death, and were seemingly impervious to any physical or mental discomfort.

This piece is a nice addition to The Chess Guild's Isle of Lewis Chess set. It would also make a nice gift for any history buff, Anglophile, Chess fanatic, Scandinavian collection, Art lover, or someone who likes rare and interesting objects.

Thank you,