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Avalon Hill


The Struggle of Nations



The War of German Liberation

Napoleon's Spring and Autumn Campaign in Saxony 1813







Contents are Nr. Mint!
Box is Great!!!
Clear tape on corners

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Struggle of Nations
"Do not forget that Europe needs peace - France above all wants nothing but peace." - Berthier to Metternich at the French Court, 26th June 1813

By 1813, every French soldier, from the lowliest private to the highest ranking official in the Administration, began to recognize Napoleon himself as the greatest obstacle to an agreement with the Allies, who for their part found the idea of a continued Napoleonic reign intolerable. Thus, just when the expansion of the theatre of operation made Napoleon's presence at the vital point not always possible, the motivation of the troops beyond his vicinity was lower than ever.
As in 1812, vast distances were the greatest enemy of Napoleon, and carefule maneuvering at fringes of the theatre prohibited him from concentrating his army until it was too late.
A lack of cavalry in the Spring, and the collapse of the Frencyh Administrative System (causing hunger and disease among the French troops and the civilian population) in the late Autumn, were ocmbined with those problems of morale and scale to render a French victory even less likely.
All the same the Allied troops (particularly the Prussian Landwehr and the Austrians) were hardly less inclined to report sick of run away whenever possible, and as one would expect, their leadership consisted of a tired and anacrhonistic nobility, who really had few other prerogatives for excercising their rank besides military command.

Can you change history?
Find out in this strategic game of wits and guts.



  • (1) Rule Book
  • (100% UNPUNCHED) Counters
  • (1) Dice
  • Charts and Tables
  • (1) Map
  • Organization Displays
  • Turn Record / Reinforcement Track
  • Scenario Folder