Kids in America DVD (2007) Chris Morris, Stolberg (DIR) cert 15 Amazing Value

Title: Kids in America Leading Actor: Chris Morris Region: Region 2 Duration: 91 mins Format: DVD / Normal Type: DVD No. of Discs: 1 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: Elevation Sales UK Release Date: 26 Feb 2007 Edition: Normal

Kid-power comedy based on actual events about school kids who foil the higher political aspirations of their puritanical principal. Principal Weller (Julie Bowen) runs a tight, religious-right ship at Booker High; she's known to have banned the passing out of condoms on national safe sex day, suspended two gay kids for a stolen kiss, and generally hounded any manner of freedom at her school. However, she has plans to move up the ladder to a higher position on the district school board and the kids find out. They plot to scupper her highbrow plans by exposing her for the heartless harridan she truly is. They find a sympathetic ear in one of their teachers, Mr. Drucker (Malik Yoba) - an advocate of free speech and human rights who is promptly fired for his alliance with them. He takes up arms, makes a documentary about the case and it looks like the bloom is finally coming off The Weller's rose .

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