pansypoo's digital teevee died & it would not turn off. to unplug it, the old 70's solid wood tv stand had to move. so 2 surfaces of my 401ebay had  to be removed carefully. 2 boxed for immediate ebaying. the 401ebay is still a cat forcefield on the teevee stand. the "stuff" forcefield works well on cats. new kitten was gonna leap onto one bedroom dresser. she saw the absence of space & she dropped flat. new kitten also turned out to be one of these pushing stuff off cats. never had 1 before. WHY?? WHY??
when i started doing estate sales, there were depression baby hoarders. i loved those savers. i am 
sort of eclectic in my tastes, i save old stuff. we have lots of germans around here. one week years ago, SAME week, i did a NAZI sale, lots of nazi era stuff + then a polish underground man's sale.  
i am a collector. i collect salt + pepper shakers. + bottles. i need to downsize and NO MORE NEW COLLECTIONS. ok. i have a green glass shaker. but its for salt i think. so, i must let it go.