Patent Tesla filed, purple for human energy field, in notes, plates can be any color, example, yellow food heals yellow color stomach
Molecules pyramids on metal surface. Pyramid has a funnel function shape V collects energy free in outer space, Tachyon, Scalar, Chi, etc., pass over through in wide pyramid V side and out through the point tip _V collects, concentrates and amplifies subtle energy. Tesla purple plate gets scratches ( scratches, cuts and open wounds can have this plate covered with micro crystals pyramids and colors as a secondary healing aid with first aid within the bandage ). Shipped plain plate factory credit card size ( plastic zip lock bag included ). Research online testimonies and You Tube testimonies of what to expect using plates { ebay no allow web page links ) Plate will not revert rancid food to normal taste, yet plate will preserve foods for a period of time. Photo plausible proof cauliflower sliced in half stored about a month in refrigerator, side without pyramid plate has brownish top, other side on top of pyramid plate multi colored has no brownish. Tesla used meter measures energy field extends about 2 meters out of plate.Metal in powdered form mixed with another chemical compound is used in water purifiers Far Infrared filter. Different logos for different companies purple plates, the factory plate shipped has no logo stamp. Thick Tesla purple plate can use to scrape push press in afflicted areas on body Gu Sha.  REASON WHY THESE TESLA  PLATES ARE ECONOMICAL IS ONE STAMP NO TRACK NUMBER # AND NO LOGO  AD ( photos pyramid on Mars is also pyramid molecule tetrahedron 3 sides and 1 bottom base pyramid )