Prostate Nutraceutical Dietary Supplement Polliton Graminex Rye Pollen Extract

Polliton Contains G60 Pollen Extract and GBX Pollen Extract contains all the chemicals and nutrients needed by the body, rich in more than 250 vitamins and minerals, nucleic acids that contribute to To stimulate the body cells to create interferons to enhance holistic healthcare.

The Ingredients

  • Flower pollen extract (G60) 60 mg.
  • Flower pollen extract (GBX) 3 mg.

Contains G60 Pollen Extract and GBX Pollen Extract contains more than 250 vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body. Helps to stimulate cells in the body to generate interferons to strengthen and maintain holistic health

How to take
Take 1-2 tablets a day before meals or on an empty stomach 10 -15 minutes followed by a glass of normal temperature water.


Read the warning label before consumption. There is no effect in preventing or treating diseases. Children and pregnant women should not eat. Should eat a variety of food to complete 5 food groups in the appropriate proportions on a regular basis.


Food supplement Not a cure for disease Rather, it is a nutrient extracted from pollen. Which contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that are essential to the body And the body can absorb these nutrients to use in repairing parts that wear. And rehabilitate various organs immediately Research from Graminex USA found that the body is able to absorb more than 90% of the nutrients, thus you can be confident that your dietary can benefit the full from it. Therefore, when the body receives the nutrients that the body needs. Will cause the body to repair and restore organs to be healthy To fight diseases effectively
Eating Pollitin supplements on a regular basis. Thus contributing to better health care When the patient is treated and eaten together with modern drugs


Patients can take Pollitin supplements. In conjunction with modern drugs as prescribed by a doctor as usual If in doubt, consult a doctor before eating.

Stay Healthy and Wealthy!