The New Be Arganic Premium Kessa Glove

Luxury Glove Hammam Moroccan Kessa Shower Exfoliating Mitt Kissa Spa Hamam

HOW TO USE Use with Moroccan Black Soap during hot bath/shower. Use by rubbing in a back and forth motion. Do not rub in a circular motion. Start lightly at first and then with more pressure. It may be a bit uncomfortable, but it is important to rub well to remove the desired layer of dead skin. Soon your dead skin will start to peel away. Rinse and dry off. Don’t use on face. 

BENEFITS : Helps cleanse and purify the skin by removing dead cells, old tan and toxins

RESULTS : The skin feels younger, softer, and silky smooth after a single use and becomes more responsive to skin care treatement

The very best natural exfoliating glove, number one in morocco.
Traditional in Morocco use after a relaxing bath or shower.
Your skin will peel away and leave your skin silky smooth.
Designed with micro fibers for a gentle effective exfolaiting result.

More Benefits :
  • Strong anti-aging and skin regeneration support
  • Unclogs pores and removes dead skin cells to reveal smoother, more radiant, and noticeably younger skin
  • Stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation
  • Clarifies complexion and balances skin tone and texture
  • Promotes skin elasticity and collagen production
  • Helps eliminate harmful toxins that accumulate on a daily basis
  • Enhances the absorption of beauty and skincare products to make them more effective