Car Lessons

Recently I retired my latest car.. reluctantly. Which caused me to reflect on how my previous cars have held a theme for what I was doing at that time in my life. My first car, I never liked the colour and didn't have a choice in it (although purchased it myself) from 'day dot' I said I'd paint it blue. It never turned out blue but I gained some skills spray-painting cars, this car went all the colours. The day it was written off I had big plans for the next spray.

The next car, above it. I carried on the spray-painting only once and learnt how to wire up electricity. I ended up putting 22 indicators on it, like a mini truck, and put another models headlights on it. The bottom lit up with blue as I high-beamed. That car didn't last long.

The final car I decided it was time to look like an adult, so I sprayed it only to fix the previous owners blemishes. I kept the lights as normal to possible and practiced how to advertise with it (without permanently altering the car). 

Since this painting I've tied in all the lessons I'd learnt from my previous cars in my new one, I've sprayed it, hooked up lights and made an unmissable advertisement for my books. I found it very interesting how people become attached to cars and not other objects, as if you become the car.

Oil based, sold with hooks ready to hang and a certificate of authenticity!

Gold Spoons

This is my third attempt at painting gold using flat oil paints. For my first two attempts I'd been trying to mimic a print from a digital artwork I created although this time round I took note that that isn't working for me and decided to take a photo of my cutlery and work off that. This time I noticed that I should be using shades of beige and small amounts of white and black, and not to put yellow on it. Yellow is too saturated. 

I decided that as a surrealist (you can see this in the video) that I stopped painting a normal step looking platform I decided to mmake it curved to show off the malleable-ness of the cutlery

This is the artwork I ended up with, I feel like it's a big step forward from my last two attempts although hoping to nail it in the future.This is a reflection of my skill level at this age.

Oil based, sold with hooks ready to hang and a certificate of authenticity! I'll have a custom batch of certificates made in February so you'll receive a temporary one until then.


I made this painting during my lockdown challenge (finish one painting, colouring in my book or digital artwork each day) so during the lockdown I felt really short on time and I cut into my sleep often. I found it interesting that one week I only slept about four hours each night and it didn't seem to affect my productivity, this is the painting I made that week. Dreams are really interesting, I painted the globes handing off a thread as if they're the dream each night, warping the realities reflection behind each one. Commenting on how dreams can replay real life activities and twist the plot.

I also need to practice making paintings with a red hue sky.

Hand stretched, has a certificate of authenticity and sold with hooks ready to hang!

No One in the Desert

I made this painting right after my Apple Tree painting and decided to carry on the idea of a pear shape which resembles the back of a woman’s head, also having so many paintings that feature one item in the centre I wanted to break away from a style I'd made for myself and feature repetition instead. I wanted the painting to appear as if there's a life-like presence in it yet not actually have anyone in it,

Oil based, sold with hooks ready to hang and a certificate of authenticity! I'll have a custom batch made in February so you'll receive a temporary one until then.

No Nostalgia

I can't say I'm a fan of nostalgia and especially not a fan of people who reach out from a place of nostalgia, it makes me uncomfortable. One main reason for experiencing nostalgia is the brains coping mechanism, if you're feeling down, the brain will likely bring up nostalgic memories to cope. So I feel like it's a big red flag when people pop up out of no where, I'm not sure about other people although it happens about every 3 months for me so I made a painting about being on the receiving end.

The left side of the painting is me and a very realistic colour scheme, I have a home with some pretty cool curtains and a few cow hides so I made a funkier version. Teal is also my favourite colour. I painted the cut cord of a phone one my end of the painting and a skeleton reaching out holding a phone on the other side. Bubbles floating in the air because I feel like bubbles are enjoyable to have around and I'm having a good time. On the right side of the painting there are some coloured skeletons, if you watch the recording of the painting you'll see I played around with grey skeletons covered in flowers and decided against it. Coloured, somewhat like plastic dolls. I decided to paint the lighting on this side as if you're looking through a rainbow, party lighting. These people tend to enter my life with no warning and barging in disturbing whatever I have going on as if they're a fun gift for me, only to realise I'm a mask for whatever issues they have going on ready to suck me in. The skeletons are holding onto each-other because it feels like once you let one in, a million others follow.

Depending on how you look at the pink skeleton in the centre, it's either looking directly at you or at the ground.

Sold with hooks ready to hang, hand stretched and a certificate of authenticity! I make the certificates special and individual so the next batch will be printed in Feb and you'll receive a temporary one until then.


This is a thing. Guys act weird when it comes to gifting flowers. For the life of me I wouldn’t be able to count how many times a guy has treated me to fast food. Impossible to count. However when it comes to giving flowers, sometimes there’s outright refusal with the “I don’t get it” bringing up their hatred of gifting flowers when no one asked, avoidance by gifting chocolates in the shape of flowers or just a weird undertone. Ask around, other women find this hate toward flowers pretty weird.

On the flip side, I can’t comprehend why a trend to hate giving a particular gift would carry on so deep through culture. So I painted a bouquet of angry men. Disgusted that they’re in this position, a flower… giving someone joy. Horrible. The hand reaches out from the wall like a stags head, empaled by flowers. Next to it, soggy fries.

This artwork is one of my hand-stretched ones, sold with hooks ready to hang and a certificate of authenticity.


Car Lessons - 45.5cm x 30.5cm
Get a Grip - 40cm x 50cm
Insomnia - 38cm x 38cm
No One in the Desert - 41cm x 30.5cm
Gold Spoons - 38.5cm x 38cm
No Nostalgia - 75cm x 100cm
Flowers - 39cm x 40cm

art, artist, artwork, bend,bent, curve, designer, gap, graphic, cubed, cubism, cube ocean, ocean, interesting art, sky, stefanova, dusk, sunset, bent, fantasy land, vanessa, vaucluse, water art, interesing surreal painting, oil painting, original by artist,paint pouring, pink, bubble gum, pouring, dripping, white, glass, tree, sky, light, clouds in sky, desert, calm scenery, desert scenery, clear, pipe tree, pipe, dripping, Car painting, honda civic, honda integra, volkswagen beetle, beelte car, buggie, punch buggie, stacked cars, silver car, blue car, dripping paint, blue skies, wires, electricity painting, painting of wires, painting of cars