This item fits Homelite and similar products
100% new high quality

2 Sizes

19mm height
22mm outside diameter
16mm inside diameter

15mm height
19mm outside diameter
14mm inside diameter

NOTE RE Parcel Lockers / Parcel Collect:
We recommend against using a parcel locker/parcel collect for this item.
This item is sent in a letter. Australia Post Policy says "Letters and standard mail that can be delivered to your letterbox, including Express Post letters, will not be accepted."
It is true, however, that Australia Post staff at some locations will deliver letters to lockers.
If you provide a parcel locker (or parcel collect) address, we will send the item in a letter. We will assume that you know the situation in your area and how the Auspost personnel will handle the situation.
Be aware that in some case, Auspost has been known to return the letter to the sender when it's addressed to a parcel locker.
The above also applies for the Express Post option