Up for sale are various individual promotional expansions for the tile laying game Carcassonne. Rules are available in both German and English for most of these. 

These all feature the newer art style found in the 2nd and 3rd editions of Carcassonne. For the older 1st edition art style refer to the link at the bottom. The differences in art between 2nd and 3rd are very minimal and can be easily mixed together. A few of these were released in only 2nd edition art, newer promos released in only 3rd edition art, and some that were released in both 2nd and 3rd. I have noted the promos that are available in both editions and included a picture for comparison. If you have a preference for 2nd or 3rd, please note it in the order. Otherwise, I will choose one at random. 

Available for sale are the following options:
  • German Monasteries / Klöster in Deutschland
    • Available in both 2nd & 3rd edition art.
  • German Cathedrals / Kathedralen in Deutschland
    • Available in both 2nd & 3rd edition art.
  • German Castles / Burgen in Deutschland
  • Halflings / Halb so Wild
  • The Festival 15 Year Anniversary / Das Fest
  • The Tollkeepers / Die Zöllner
  • The Watchtowers / Die Wachtürme
  • The Barber-Surgeons / Die Bader
  • The Markets of Leipzig + Amazonas Mini-Expansion / Die Märkte zu Leipzig + Amazonas Mini Erweiterung
    • Available in both 2nd & 3rd edition art
  • The Fruit Trees / Die Obstbaume
  • The Peasant Revolts / Die Bauernaufstande
  • Winter Edition: The Gingerbread Man / Der Lebkuchenmann
  • The Bets / Die Wetteinsatze
  • The Signposts / Die Wegweiser
  • The Gifts / Die Geschenke
  • The Drawbridges / Die Zugbrucken
  • The Wonders of Humanity / Wunder der Menschheit
  • Spielbox Sticker Sheet
  • South Seas: Friday / Freitag
  • Safari: Spiel Doch Mini Expansion
Additional promos for Carcassonne featuring the older art style can be found here:

Anniversary Tile Bags can be found here: