Don't Tell 'Em It's Good for 'Em - Gloria Greene; Nancy Baggett; Ruth Glick — 1984. Condition is "Very Good" - with tight binding and no markings. Shipped with tracking via USPS. US only.

From 1984, this book tells how to reduce sugar, salt, and fat in the diet without disrupting family eating habits, and offers recipes for soups, salads, side dishes, main dishes, breads, snacks, and desserts which can be gradually altered to more healthful versions.

The authors are in line with current nutritional thinking: reduce fat, salt, sugar, and smoked and salt-cured food intake to lessen the likelihood of developing cancer, heart and blood-vessel diseases, and obesity. For numerous benefits, increase your intake of vegetables, grains, legumes, and fiber. 

After making their case for better eating, the authors give basic cooking tips (how to steam vegetables, how to store foods), and then move on to a wealth of recipes. Each is presented in one, two, or three ""Nutristeps""-- which gradually decrease the bad ingredients while increasing the good (for instance, tapering the salt and meat while increasing the vegetables in a stew), the idea being that families won't experience a shock and can slowly re-educate their taste buds.