Product Overview

Organic Dandelion Root Capsules


🌼 Pure and Nutrient-Rich: Our Dandelion Powder is meticulously processed to retain the inherent nutrients, vitamins, and minerals found in dandelions. It's a potent source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as essential minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium.

🌼 Versatile Culinary Delight: Elevate your culinary creations with a dash of dandelion magic. Incorporate our Dandelion Powder into smoothies, teas, juices, baked goods, or savory dishes to infuse a delightful earthy and slightly bitter flavor profile.

🌼 Natural Detoxifier: Dandelions have been traditionally recognized for their detoxifying properties. Experience gentle detoxification as the powder aids in supporting healthy liver function and promoting digestion.

🌼 Radiant Skin Support: Unlock the beauty within with Dandelion Powder's potential to promote clear and radiant skin. The antioxidants present may contribute to a healthy complexion, helping combat oxidative stress and supporting your skin's natural vibrancy.

🌼 Sustainable Wellness: We take pride in our sustainable sourcing practices. The dandelion flowers are carefully harvested, dried, and transformed into this vibrant powder, ensuring that nature's gifts are preserved for your well-being and that of the planet.

🌼 Easy Incorporation: Our Dandelion Powder effortlessly blends into various recipes, making it an accessible and enjoyable way to enhance your daily nutritional intake.

Discover the enchanting world of dandelions with our premium Dandelion Powder. Embrace the goodness of nature and infuse your life with health, flavor, and vitality. Elevate your wellness journey today!

How to Take Dandelion Root Capsules

·       We recommend taking 2 x capsules, 2 times a day, preferably half an hour before meals.

Nutritional Info

What’s Inside?

Two Capsules Contain

100% Organic Dandelion Root Powder (6500mg), with no additional ingredients at all.


Organic Dandelion Root Powder

Capsules Shell : Pullulan from vegetable tapioca, (Vegan)

What are Pullulan Capsules?

These excellent alternatives to traditional gelatin capsules are non-GMO, USP-grade and suitable for vegans. HPMC capsules are widely used in the food and drink industry as they provide an excellent oxygen barrier and offer the same level of resiliency and flexibility.