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 ~ latest model • FDA cleared

The Lotus uses 100% violet laser diodes NOT JUST LEDs! 

This violet light Lotus laser is unique among lasers in that the violet light has been shown to shift and affect Emotional and Quantum fields, to create release from stresses and traumas from the past, and can create a blissful state. 

It uses the revolutionary patented Scalarwave technology. 
Portable, safe and easy to use.
FDA cleared for pain, inflammation and arthritis. 

Lotus Violet diode lasers are available in white case.

Introducing a revolutionary new line of Quantum Scalar wave healing lasers.
These soft light laser systems are portable, handheld units designed to be used
by lay persons or professionals alike.

All the quantum wave lasers use a unique, new, violet, soft laser crystal spectrum technology and a patented
Scalarwave Laser technology with a multitude of capabilities.

Lasers come with a rechargeable AC adapter and user’s manual.

Benefits of using the 405 nm Violet Wavelength Include:

• Activates Lymph

• Supports DNA

• Benefits white matter in the brain

• Supports neurons

• Helps with Subtle stuff such as: Balancing energy, the field, the emotions, the chakras, enzyme functions

• Increases length of the Telomeres

• Supports stem cells 

Lotus has 16 true VIOLET laser diodes and 20 super violet LEDs, which all emit therapeutic violet wavelength energy in the 405 nm spectrum.

1. Violet has been shown to repair DNA telomeres.(longevity indicators) Research shows a direct correlation between length of telomeres and life span. Pretty much direct correlation. Violet light enhances production of an enzyme, telomerase, which repairs and lengthens the telomeres.

2. Violet light is a bridge to the other dimensions

Violet light has long been considered as a multi dimensional bridge from the physical to subtle energy body. If you look at the chakra system, the colors corresponding to each chakra are like the colors of the rainbow with red being at the base and violet being by the 3rd eye. It is the last chakra before leaving the physical (out the crown which is white) So violet acts as the bridge between individual self and Universal Self.

3. Violet light enhances stem cell activity.  
Research has shown that there is greater production of stem cells when exposed to violet laser light. A whole field of research exists just around this one topic.

4. Violet light is beneficial for all skin conditions. (had to mention that for those of us women who are needing a little home facial now and again) Works with acne, wrinkles, and tightening of the collagen.

Your Lotus laser has 11 preset programmed scalarwave settings:

Unwinding unwinds cell memory, stress and tension from the body, cells and energy. It is great to use on old injuries and on any situation which has stress, tension and contraction. The basic gist of this program is the dissolving of contracted cellular memory and the return to the natural state of ease.

Quantum is about shifting energy back into the quantum state. It works in a similar fashion to the Unwinding Program only it does so on the energetic level. It is a very popular program which works great on all cells, organs, chakras and anywhere that is tense and contracted.

Relieve is a favorite for pain and injuries. It works to dissolve and relieve stress, tension, injuries and pain.

Pleo is a detox and immune activation program. It is based on research of the pleomorphic somatidian life cycle – and in particular the regenerative state of the somatid. Research has shown that these tiny point of light within the blood go through a number of different life cycles some indicative of dis ease while others reflective of health and wellness. Our goal here is to unwind, normalize and activate the somatid to its regenerative state.

Activate is based on higher dimensional quantum DNA physics and the principle of subtle regenerative coherence. This program is great for injuries, pain, and any cellular regeneration.

Rejuv is designed to activate the lymph system. In particular it is to induce the electrons into a high spin state. When electron shift into a high spin state they phase shift into an ether state such as the lymph, cranial sacral, brain, sexual and glandular substances. This program is really a higher dimensional wellness program to induce this high spin alchemical state.

Soothe is a very soothing program for injuries, pain and stress. It works great by dissolving tension.

Unity is a beautiful program for neutralizing anything and everything - and shifting into unity. It works wonderfully through the violet laser light in processing in-form-ation into the Quantum State.

Vital is about activating the inner cellular energy. It is great for activating the immune response, activating oxygen and electrons, detoxification and clarifying energy, regeneration and wellness.

Cohere Program brings structure to the body and field. It is about organizing, processing and actualizing energy in-formation. It normalizes all cells, body systems and chakras into the one integrated field space. The body is designed in and of coherence and all health and or dis ease is simply the reflection of how coherent we are and how efficiently we can process information (in-form-ation).

Wave is for dissolving all cells and phenomena into one wave essence and then allowing that wave to expand into consciousness.

The CUSTOM section enables the user to be able to try, program and save their own protocols.

 Violet Light as a Portal to Higher Consciousness
The violet light has long been associated with the 3rd eye, and the pineal (the master gland) as well as a portal to the next dimension of consciousness. For those who believe that all that manifests on the physical has its origins in the other dimensional levels, the violet light is a gateway to accessing and shifting those dimensional patterns.

Obviously research is needed in this area, but for those who have experience working with shifting of consciousness patterns, I will leave it to your intuition to guide you as to the implications and applications for clearing of karmic patterns and their corresponding effects as manifest in the body.

And for those working with the body itself, the violet light laser and probe offer unprecedented opportunities to shift conditions at the level of the DNA, and through enhancing stem cell activity.

Only violet lasers have been shown to affect the telomers, the antenna at the end of the chromosomes which determine longevity and health!

What is Special about the Violet Laser Wavelength?

The violet spectrum has far reaching health and regenerative benefits. It is particularly effective at inducing key enzymes within the cells such as the Telomerase enzyme and in activating the DNA sequencing for anti-aging and rejuvenation. This new violet wavelength takes low level lasers to the next level of quantum medicine.

The violet wavelength appears within the range of 405 to 460 nm. This unique wavelength spectrum is capable of carrying way more information than all other wavelengths and has thus made it the preferred choice for data, DVD and CD equipment. The violet wavelength is also revered for its healing properties, but has not been widely used in the past due to its prohibitively high cost. Due to advancements in technology and competitiveness in the industry, prices of violet LED and Laser equipment have become more affordable. 

Within this light wave window of 405 to 460 exists the ability to stimulate a different kind of healing than with other wavelengths. While Red lasers are great for skin, burns, wounds, inflammation and most soft tissues issues and Infrared (IR) lasers are great for bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and hard tissues of the body, violet laser does something different. 

The Violet wavelength of 405 to 460 has been receiving a renewed interest and excitement among those who understand it’s unique characteristics. It is known to induce action in the full group of "cytochrome oxidase enzymes." These enzymes are formed in the mitochondria (structures inside of the cells) and generate the ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the basic fuel for the cells to regenerate themselves. This is the key to renewing the vitality of skin. 

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