10 x bull rush reeds bare roots
Approx size: 8 inches

Bulrush description

This robust species grows up to 2.5 m in height, and has linear leaves . The most characteristic feature of this plant, however, is the distinctive, dark brown busby-like flowering head , known as a 'spadix'. The individual flowers are tiny, closely packed and surrounded by slender hairs; female flowers, which produce seeds, are situated towards the bottom of the spadix, the male flowers are located towards the top, and in this species the male and female regions of the spadix are touching .

Size:Height:1.5 - 2.5 m Leaf width: 8 - 20mm 

Please note that you will receive 10 x roots with reeds up to 8 inches long as I will cut off the majority of the length of the reeds to save being damaged in the post. 

Please check out our shop for more great pond plants, lilies and aquatic clay for planting.