
Stanley Pedigree - Sides

Vinyl LP


Pressung:EU - Original
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'Sides' was recorded in New Zealand and released on all digital platforms on March 5th 2020. Produced entirely by Dirty Hairy, this full collaborative project is now ready for release on vinyl including exclusive Bonus Beats! Mastered especially for DJ friendly wax by UK engineer and pioneer 'No Sleep Nigel' - you know it’s good to go. There are also original accompanying visuals for all of the full tracks on YouTube and Vimeo. A huge thank you in advance to our supporters, we appreciate you all & look forward to bringing this release to you the way it was meant to be heard.

Words & album testimonial from Dirty Hairy:

Stanley Pedigree and I spent the best part of 5 years hitting the studio a couple of times a month together. During those times we’d continually vibe off of good conversation, good beer, good rakija, a show we’d just played and whanau. More often I’d make a beat right there and then, and it would either spawn a verse or be a catalyst for an idea. Other times we’d just play records and talk about music or just light some Incense, and eat good food. Kids wandering in and out, plus the odd chinking of bottles and laughter. It would all boil down to us noodling about and creating something.
During that half a decade I made around 20 tracks for Stan (or with him in mind) and he cherry picked 7 that go together like hummus and flatbread.
In the fragrance of this project is straight jazzy Hip-Hop and I wanted to make the tracks with just piano, horns and drums samples from vinyl.
We definitely paid homage to an analogue leaning sound in the production here.


A1.IntroDirty Hairy
A2.Continuum (Remix)Dirty Hairy
A3.MovingDirty Hairy
A4.Groove MerchantsDirty Hairy
A5.LensesDirty Hairy
A6.The RealismDirty Hairy
B1.Chant DownDirty Hairy
B2.Moving (Instrumental)Dirty Hairy
B3.Groove MerchantsDirty Hairy
B4.Lenses (Instrumental)Dirty Hairy
B5.The Realism (Instrumental)Dirty Hairy

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