IFR Com120B exact functional replacement for DS1286 (Same amount of memory, registers, etc.), no slower than 150ns.

There is no Com120B or Com120B processor board included with this auction.
Only one chip plus socket is included.

This chip will be tested in a Tektronix TDS524A. My Com120B does not boot all the way so I can't test in the Com120b.
The installed battery is the same capacity as the original battery... 3V 120mAh.

Programming the data area for the Com120B is your responsibility and you need to program this chip in a programmer before installing in your Com120B. I will make sure the RTC is working ok before shipment. There is an amazing resource available that defines how to program this chip for your Com120B.  I can direct you to that resource if you are having trouble finding the information.  Study all the details of programming before investing $.

Benefits vs old DS1286:
1) Battery easily replaceable.
2) Battery voltage easily measurable.
3) Battery not installed until part is ordered.
4) No more worries about Counterfeit parts from shady sources.
5) This part is not obsolete with no replacement like the original.

You can kludge/bodge your existing DS1286 provided only the battery has failed.  It’s not too hard to look around and find videos/pictures of how to do it.
Drill in exactly the right place...solder...glue, etc.
Pretty messy if you ask me and the exact definition of a bodge.
And if you’re lucky you won't break a pin off the DS1286 when you’re pulling it out for re-work, which would mean game over on that DS1286.

These parts were created after I received a batch of 10 DS1486 from an eBay seller and later determined all 10 parts were bad.
The parts even had a date code of 2015 when the seller’s picture clearly showed a 2009 date code.
I attempted to return those parts but the seller refused to provide the return to China shipping label and I had to eat the cost of those parts and shipping.
So now my rotten experience results in a good solution for those honest eBay buyers.  And yes I know we are talking about DS1286 here, but after the DS1486 China debacle, I did not bother trying the experience again on a DS1286.

I am not accepting large quantity orders on this part.  It’s only available to those hobbyist who really need the parts.

You will have to carefully unsolder your DS1286, then solder in the socket I provide, then insert the replacement part in the socket. If you have never unsoldered or soldered parts before, I would NOT recommend trying this for the first time on your Com120b processor board.

No testing done on other instruments other than the TDS524A.  

Up to 5 days handing time on this item. That will give me enough time to build and test your parts before shipment. Typical handling time is between 1 and 2 days.