G’day from Down Under, Reader, and welcome to my listing,

A+++++++Fantastic! Pyramid works!-Emf Tested it myself-Very happy Thank you!5-Jun-14 06:16

Information on the pyramid you see listed here can be found by scrolling down to the blue font.  To begin with, I felt it was fairly important for me to detail the 'how and why' of Orgone generation, because it was the question that most concerned me when I came onto these listings to buy an Orgone generator for myself. I'm sure my reader is in the same position. I was prepared to pay $100 - $150 if I saw something that really appealed, but after checking out hundreds of pyramids and reading their write-ups, I couldn't determine whose pyramid did what and why. No listing made it clear as to how and why their Orgone generator worked. I even considered some pyramids from the US, which had price tags over the $200 mark. And I might have even bought one if they could have made it clear to me what their Orgone generator was all about. Apart from the obvious, sometimes painful fact that there was a lot of stuff, crystals, spheres, copper coils of various descriptions, metal shavings, etc., etc., no one seemed to be able to explain how or why their pyramid worked in plain, everyday language that I could understand. It seems that one is expected to take the how and why of Orgone generation as a given, simply because someone embedded a lot of stuff in a block of resin. Apparently nothing more is required, not even a finishing procedure, which brings me to my next issue:
 I was certain that these pyramids, being items made out of casting resin, would allow the creator a great deal of latitude when it came to the finish, and when I looked over the offerings on eBay, I couldn't see any real personal finishing efforts going into the offerings on display (things have changed somewhat since I first wrote those words over four years ago. Orgone makers are trying a lot harder now.)  Quite apart from the finish, though, is it the case that the more stuff one can put into a pyramid the better it works? Because, honestly, some pyramids look like controlled chaos inside. Does that make them especially good Orgone generators? How do EMFs get attracted to these pyramids? What happens with the EMFs once they have them trapped inside the pyramid? How do the EMFs get converted into the Life Force, Chi/Qi, Prana, which are all just another name for Anions. Now, I ask these questions, because prices seem to skyrocket the more so-called 'activated' etc., stuff that gets put into a resin device, but no one seems to explain how all that stuff comes together to create Orgone/Anions. For example, I can't see how putting coins into a resin pyramid will make it into some kind of money magnet causing it to generate untold wealth. That just doesn't make any sense to me. Orgone is not about wealth, or any kind of materialism. It's not even about meeting a lifetime soulmate. Orgone is about creating those little packets of very dense positive energy called Anions. To say anything else is to create a myth for the more gullible in our society. In my years of making these, I can assure my reader there is a lot more to Orgone generation than meets the eye, and on eBay it really is a case of 'buyer beware'. The thoughts, and lessons I've learned on Orgone generation, are an open book and are detailed below.

The how and why of the pyramids made here, or Demystifying Orgone generation:

We'll begin this section by translating the word 'Pyr-a-mid', which comes from the Greek and means 'Fire-in-the-middle'. At the approximate height of the King's Chamber in Giza, quantum physicists speculate there must be - for they don't know for certain - a portal leading to other dimensions. Something happens in this area of a pyr-a-mid that is unmeasurable and unquantifiable with the best of our scientific equipment, and is only open to speculation and hypotheses.

In the pyramids made here, my reader will see three ‘levels’: the ground floor holds the copper coils, then there is the crystal grid, or metal in the center, and finally we have the capstone.

Let’s begin by looking at the copper coil, what it is and what it does. Now, as soon as one adds a copper coil, one like mine, or one that is plain, or even a Triskelion  - of any cubit dimension – into a resin matrix, as I'm sure, most are doing on these listings, one is creating an electronic device. The purpose of this device is to attract EMFs, which it then splits into good and bad ions - Anions and Cations. Yes, the coil is a ‘splitter’ and it has two aspects – a head and a tail, a male and a female, or a clockwise and an anti-clockwise aspect, and that is self-evident at first glance. However, a deal of caution needs to be exercised here, as we are now dealing with an electronic device that has the capacity to be both detrimental, as well as beneficial. With the Tesla coil: EMFs are attracted to it like iron filings to a magnet. They enter the coil via the two ends, and, literally, are set on a collision course with each other, gaining velocity as they spiral their way to the coil's centre. When the two lots of incoming EMFs meet head-on in the centre of the coil, there is a massive collision causing the EMFs to 'split', or transmute into their basic components: Anions and Cations; Anions spraying out the clockwise aspect and Cations out the counter-clockwise aspect of the coil, much like one sees in photos of the Milky Way and other galaxies. This is how the Tesla coil, like the Milky Way, effects energy transference and it is extremely important, because one definitely does not want to find one's self facing an anti-clockwise coil, or one is being constantly sprayed with Cations/positive ions/the bad guys and if one is aware of this fact when on eBay, one will quite often find oneself looking down the barrel of a counter clockwise coil. The only exception to this is if one has a DT crystal employed in conjunction with the coil, and we’ll go into the properties of a DT crystal soon.

Next comes the central, crystal flower-grid and grids need little explanation, after all, grids were the original Orgone generators. Even a ring of stones, such as one sees with a Native American Indian Medicine Wheel, invokes a particular kind of energy, especially when charged with intent. The crystal grid is placed as close to the centre of the pyramid as possible to make use of the energy present in this central area. This positioning endows the grid with an almost metaphysical, inter-dimensional resonance. The crystal grids in my pyramids are a filter for the Cations being sent upwards, and they can also be charged with the intent of their owner, from where the intent will be carried upward and outward, after being given a final purification in the DT crystal in the apex. Nothing negative will be emitted by the DT crystal.

Finally, we come to the DT crystal in the apex of the pyramids made here. Unlike the copper coil, which is a 'splitter'- splitting EMFs into Anions and Cations - a DT crystal is a receiver and a transmitter. It receives from its receiving terminal, stores and purifies what it receives, and transmits the contents from its transmitting terminal as Anions. Clear quartz crystal is solidified light with all the healing, growth and purifying power of light. It is for this reason that clear quartz is so ubiquitous in the earth: it rids the earth of unwanted energies, which the quartz is constantly receiving, purifying and emitting as Anions. It is for the same reason that the DT quartz is used in the apex of my pyramids. Cations being given off from the Tesla coil are sent through the flower-grid and then through the DT quartz to be converted into Anions. Moreover, the very shape of the pyramid itself draws in energy from its surroundings, which includes people in those surroundings, and that energy is also sent through the DT quartz for purification. Of course, there is also the piezoelectric effect that a crystal undergoes when subjected to pressure. Put a crystal under pressure, as it was when in the earth, and it performs at its optimum and will do so ad infinitum, literally, forever. Industry puts this to use in the piezoelectric lighter for ovens. Basically, a piece of quartz is put under pressure when the lighter button is pushed and that causes the quartz to produce a spark. Not only does quartz produce a spark when put under pressure, but theoretically it will never stop doing so and will never need recharging. Not bad for what is said to be just a lump of rock!

The pyramids being made here are presently utilizing this knowledge: the copper coil is placed anti-clockwise into the pyramid, so that the spray of Cations is being directed internally. The geometry of the pyramid shape forces the Cations to travel through the grid where they get their first filter, on to the DT quartz at the tip. Vertical copper coils might look good in a pyramid or a cone, but perform little function in Orgone devices as they have no polarity, and the ones at the tip of the pyramids made here are no exception. The copper coils at the tips of these pyramids are basically just a means to hold the all-important DT quartz. The DT quartz has been placed into the tip, transmitting terminal facing outwards, facilitated by divining with a pendulum. I, personally, don't understand why no one anywhere speaks of aligning their DT crystals, because without alignment with a pendulum, one can never know which end of the crystal does what, and can, therefore, only ever have a 50% chance of getting the crystal right. An incorrectly aligned crystal will not do anywhere near the job of one that's been correctly aligned. Whether facing the bottom of a pyramid made here, or the top, one is receiving vast sprays of Anions; Cations have been eliminated altogether. A resin device with a coil can actually be quite dangerous if used incorrectly, and please do not try the ideas expressed here with a conical device, instead of a pyramid, as it will simply leak Cations straight out the sides before it even gets to the top; it’s the Sacred Geometry of the pyramid shape that harnesses the Cations in place. I am now beginning to understand in greater depth what my pyramids are all about and why I was shown the configuration I use: this set-up in a pyramid - correctly aligned - will create the most benign and beneficial energy that can possibly be produced by a resin device.

We don’t make Holy Hand Grenades here any longer, we make Sacred Nukes!

The journey of an Orgone pyramid: An Orgone pyramid made here starts its journey on the first day when the resin is poured, which takes approximately 6 hours (2 hours between levels/tiers) in winter, a bit quicker in summer temperatures. This doesn't take into consideration making coils, choosing crystals to be used, crushing crystals for the capstone, or the time spent divining the DT crystals being employed, we are talking just pouring resin. It's important to bear in mind throughout this journey that full cure of the resin will take seven days at an ambient temperature of 24 degrees Celsius, longer if temperatures drop below that. The following day, the pyramid comes out of the mould/mold, at which time the bottom edges are still pliable and fairly soft. Placing the pyramid in front of a blow heater works well to harden up the resin somewhat. Next, for me, comes completing the capstone and adding the gold tip. Because the capstone is finely crushed quartz and the resin is fairly viscuous and thick - getting thicker by the minute as it catalyzes - it doesn't penetrate into the crushed quartz very well, and the capstone will come out subject to pitting and voids where the resin couldn't penetrate. The capstone and the gold tip will take another 24 hours, as the tip and the repairs on the capstone cure. Most Orgone makers don't lose this day; yesterday's pyramid is double-dipped today to cover areas where there may be voids, or filling protruding through the walls of the pyramid. For me, the capstone and tip are crucial - they make the pyramid look finished - so I take the time to get these two aspects spot-on. It may take an extra 24 hours, but, in my opinion, if I have to go that extra yard to craft a pyramid that has the 'look' I want, then so be it. But, then, if one takes a quick look, nothing too in-depth, just a cursory look at my finishes compared to any other on Ebay, one simply can not fail to see the difference. Now, when the tip and capstone are completed to my satisfaction, the pyramid gets double-dipped. Once again, it's another 24 hour wait as the new finish dries. Three days later we have a semi-complete pyramid, but one that still needs to be cut and polished and you cannot cut and polish a 'green', uncured surface, so either I accelerate the curing times by heating (not in any oven, but with a blow heater), which is what I do in winter, or I wait seven days. The bottom edge lets me know when a pyramid has reached full hardness, and then it goes through an exhaustive cutting procedure, at which point the pyramid is beveled, and sanded with several diminishing grits of dry, and wet and dry sandpaper, to ready it for polishing. Unrecognizable from what it looked like when it came out of the mould, it now comes time for me to make the pyramid look and feel like it was chiseled from a block of glass - to remove all traces of its resin origin. This polishing procedure will take up to five hours per pyramid and it is fraught with variables, as any artist knows: 'there's many a slip between the cup and the lip' and some of the biggest problems will invariably show themselves within sight of the finish line. By beveling the pyramid we now have eight more facets/faces, making it thirteen facets in all that need to be worked, including the original five, so there's a bit of attention to detail required at the end of a pyramid's journey. Perhaps I'm just too fussy, but I'm a 'finishing trade' and if I can think of something extra to do to a job to lift it from something that looks and feels fairly ordinary, to something that looks and feels absolutely exquisite, I can't help but take the time and effort required to do it.. All things being equal, a pyramid will take me the greater part of five days to complete to my satisfaction. Even the finish my reader sees in the photos is not the finished finish. While the finishes in the photos are good enough for photos, they are nowhere near good enough for personal inspection, in my opinion, and each pyramid in my listing will yet go through up to two hours of finishing before it passes my personal inspection.

 The pyramid you see listed here is a small Giza style (please got to the UPDATE for information on the last six photos).

The capstone on this one is made up of crushed Lapis Lazuli. A Silver Flake tip crowns the capstone as a transmission aide. Nestled inside the capstone is a thick, 2mm copper coil cut to 524 mm, or the size of the Royal Cubit, with a 6mm solid copper bead on the end of it to assist with a 360 degree EMF collection radius. Inside the coil is a Smoky DT Quartz, which can be seen protruding downwards from the capstone. DT quartz has a polarity - like everything in this world - and it receives from one terminal and transmits from the other. With the guidance of a pendulum - the best divination tool one can get - the DT crystal in the tip is aligned with the transmitting terminal uppermost. Below the capstone is a flower grid made up of tumbled Afghani Lapis Lazuli and Apatite. And, like any Native American Indian Medicine Wheel will testify, the central grid in these pyramids can be programmed with the user's intentions. Below the flower grid is another 2mm copper coil cut to 524mm, or the Royal Cubit, which resonates with us humans on a bio-physical level. Around the coil is a Tensor ring, made by twisting two, 2mm copper wires together, but, in this case, the coil is cut to the size of the Lost Cubit, or 596mm. The Lost Cubit is said to resonate with us on a mental/emotional level. As such, therefore, we are endeavouring to cover the user on both the bio-physical level, as well as on the mental/emotional level. Tensor rings come from the website of the Twisted Sage, so I would recommend that anyone looking for more information on this incredible energy tool to pay him a visit. The base of this pyramid is a light Blue with a Silver highlighter. It is 140mm, or 5.5" tall, and 170mm x 170mm, or 6.75" x 6.75" wide and weighs 1.55Kg. The reader will note that the writer makes no claims to any 'special' knowledge regarding crystals, all he seeks to do is to present what he does and observes on an empirical level, without muddying it up with his personal belief system; crystals mean different things to different people. The Tesla coils in my pyramids are now being finished with a solid copper bead on the ends and in the centre to assist with a 360 degree reception of EMFs in the area. All crystals used in these pyramids are cleansed and charged for 24 hours under a 6' x 6' copper pyramid I use for meditation. All my pyramids are finished to my exacting standards; all edges are beveled, and my reader will find them to feel very silky and slippery, due to the highly polished finish.Caution is emphasized in their handling upon removing them from their packaging; they feel, look and will shatter exactly like glass.

Speaking of beveling, I have to say this: as a refinisher, my artistic sensibilities were appalled by the lack of quality finishes I came across when I came onto this listing. Even the ones with huge price tags at the top end of the market were finished so poorly that I just shook my head in complete disbelief. One of the first things I look for in a finished pyramid is the bottom edge. If the item offered for sale has beveled edges on the bottom, just like any good quality, genuine quartz pyramid would, then I know the finish on the rest of the pyramid is going to be fairly good, because the maker obviously knows a bit about what he's doing. No bevel = sloppy finish; plain and simple! To begin with, a bevel serves to protect the edges from chipping and if one looks at the bottom edges of the pyramids being offered for sale, even the ones in the top-end of the market, the bottom edges have no bevel whatsoever, and if one really gets into it and scrutinizes bottom edges, one will actually see that some of the edges of the pyramids on display have already had small pieces chip off of them. Please beware of photos of pyramids taken on grass, or lawn, for the purpose of the setting is to disguise the bottom edges. In most cases, just the weight of the pyramid itself is enough to cause chipping when one picks it up and then puts it back down, that is, if the edges aren't beveled for their own protection. I am simply amazed that the people crafting the pyramids on this listing are, literally, taking them straight out of the mould, taking a photo of them, and saying that they're finished. What's finished about them? In spray painting terminology it's called 'an off the gun finish', and only one in a million jobs actually comes up, straight off the gun, all others have to undergo an exacting finishing procedure. These have barely seen a piece of 1200 Wet and Dry sandpaper and have only the smallest whiff of cutting compound about them. Sellers will say their pyramid is highly polished and feels like glass, but when one views the pyramid even on eBay, it is painfully obvious that the finish isn't of the standard claimed. The finishes on the offerings on eBay are so ordinary that they are offensive to anyone's sense of class and beauty. I'm sure that all the pyramids on this listing will work as Orgone generators to a degree, but they are just so unfinished that I looked at them all and couldn't decide which one was the best of a bad lot. The only finish that I have seen that I would recommend is the type of finish one sees on educate-yourself.org. Ken Adachi is very, very good and his finishes are superlative, I just wasn't keen on the overall look of Ken's and wanted something prettier, as it were. But take a look at some of Ken's stuff and you're starting to talk real power. I was very disappointed, to say the least, with the whole exercise on eBay: Most, that is up to 70% of my work on a pyramid, is in the finish, the actual labour by hand, that is - for there is no other way of doing it - and it involves a lot of cutting and polishing; anyone who has ever cut and polished a paint job knows what I'm saying here; the rest amounts to simply positioning pieces in a mould. The finish on all my pyramids have what a Master Painter and Decorator in Australia would call, a mirror-finish. Were it not for the work in the finish, making a pyramid is a cakewalk: one just positions stuff in a mould and allows resin to harden. Voila! A pyramid! Apparently, on eBay, they can make Orgone energy suit any purpose, sex, love, to attract one's perfect partner, money and the list goes on; all it takes, it seems, is the 'right' colours and the 'right stuff' in the resin. It appears that one can even use Orgone energy to repel alien attacks. Now, I don't know, nor do I profess to know, nor will I make such claims. My pyramids remove EMFs and all low vibrations in the area, including those coming from people vibrating at a low frequency, usually induced by fear or anger, they then transform those low vibes into a beneficial, immediately consumable form of positive, high vibrating energy. From the day I made my first pyramid I have felt this energy as a feeling in the pit of my stomach, a kind of low-key excited feeling, a sense of intense wellness within, but, of course, there was nothing for me to be excited, or to feel especially well about. But I do understand that if the vibrations are raised in any environment, it allows the universal law of Attraction to come into action, and attract things that are a vibrational match into those surroundings.

**** UPDATE: Because of controversy surrounding the question of whether an Orgone generator should or should not have a metal matrix within it to make it a bona fide Orgone machine, I have uploaded four new pics today, 24/ 1/ 2013. Two of the pics are of the vortex as I saw it in the first instance on a pyramid with a metal matrix, my third ever, as I describe further along, the second two pics are also of an exterior vortex, but this time they are on a crystal pyramid with no metal matrix whatsoever. Thanks to iPad's HD camera, I can now show my reader, exactly what I saw on that day I describe further along in my narrative. It is as clear to me as the nose on my face, and trust me, my nose can't be missed, that the vortexial outlines on the crystal pyramid are much larger and bolder than the ones on the pyramid with the metal matrix. Not only are they larger, but if one follows the energy lines on the crystal pyramid one can see clearly that the lines run from the very bottom of the pyramid up to where the DT crystal is, as opposed to the outlines on the pyramid with the metal matrix, which remain between the metal and the crystal. The width of the vortexial outline is so great on the crystal pyramid, that it was much more difficult to capture in a photo than the smaller one on the metal matrix pyramid. So, as far as the controversy over the question of whether an Orgone generator must have a metal matrix to make it a bona fide, genuine Orgone generator, allow me to simply point to the four pics I've uploaded and ask my readers to decide for themselves. The evidence does not lie, and lays before the reader for their assessment.

Besides the obvious aesthetic differences between a crystal pyramid and a metal matrix one, the difference in the degree of difficulty between crafting a crystal pyramid and a metal matrix one is like the difference between the proverbial chalk and cheese. To make a crystal pyramid requires much, much more exacting care and attention to detail than does making a pyramid with a metal matrix; one has precision placement of each piece, and each piece can bring the whole thing undone in seconds, whereas with the other, one simply throws in swathe, or metal shavings of different types. How hard can it be to throw metal shavings into a pyramid mould? I've got nothing against pyramids with a metal matrix and the reader will soon see some samples of my metal handiwork, but they are not necessarily better, or worse at generating Orgone energy than crystal pyramids. As far as I'm concerned, the photos of my observations don't lie, and my personal preference is for pyramids of the crystal variety. The Great Pyramid of Giza reputedly had a crystal capstone and a 5" solid gold tip, and it was used as a means of communication. The pyramids made here try to emulate that configuration, except I have neither solid crystal capstone, nor solid gold tip, so I'm trying to do the next best thing, hence the crystal capstone with a DT Quartz nestled in it and the gold leaf tip, after all, isn't the top of the pyramid where the gold and crystal needs to be, purely for purposes of beefing up and refining transmissions?

These two pyramids, my third and my first crystal pyramid will never be finished, or sold. The metal matrix pyramid resides in my bedroom on the bedside table, and the crystal pyramid lives on the console of my van.

The last two photos you see here are stunning and were uploaded on the 22/12/2012. In my write-up earlier, I explained that I was working on a way to show you, the reader, the vortices in my pyramids in action. To me, it was the most logical progression: if there truly is a vortex within the configuration I was creating, which I found there was, as I explain further along in my narrative, then there must also be a way to outline it clearly, so there could be no doubt about the vortex's existence...if it's there, find it! The last two photos are the two latest creations using dyes to highlight the vortexial action, in action. "In action" might be a bit misleading, however, as it implies there might be times when the vortex is inactive, when, in fact, the only two things that will ever stop a Holy Hand Grenade from working is if it is thrown into a furnace, as the resin will burn, or if it is completely smashed, and I mean completely and utterly smashed, for if the matrix holds together and retains any of the major parts in place it will keep on keeping on. In these last two photos you will see the vortex within a Sapphire pyramid. And it is unmistakeable! The last photo in line is a million-to-one shot where the angles were all just right to capture a photo that, literally, looks like it was taken at the entrance to a Black Hole. You can so clearly see the vortex of energy coming off of the coil's centre  - looking like a breath of air being expelled - and traversing the length of the pyramid to the tip. Once again, it is UNMISTAKEABLE! As an aside, if you view a picture of our Milky Way and then look at the configuration of the Tesla coil you will find them to be extremely similar. The coil and the Milky Way are both spirals, both have two 'tails' coming off of them in exactly the same way, and although we can't see the spiral within the Milky Way due to a profusion of planets and stars blocking the view, I would lay odds that if you could see the centre of the Milky Way it would be identical to the Tesla coil; as above so below. In fact, to protract the 'as above, so below' theme, I would go so far as to say that the spiral shape of the Tesla coil is ubiquitous in the Universe, and it is one of the major, if not the major means that the Universe employs for energy transference. It is also my firm belief that the vortices in the human body, the primary and secondary chakras, take this form as well. It also never fails to amaze me how closely the centre of the coil resembles a Yin Yang symbol, if the circle in the centre is completed. All pyramids here, apart from the metal matrix ones seem to have a very stellar appearance, as if bits of outer space have been captured in glass and this is especially true when they are mounted on a revolving carousel  where the crystals appear to gain an orbit as well.

Now the reader has a view of both the exterior and the interior vortices of an Orgone generator made here.

I could spend a lot of time telling you all about Wilhelm Reich, how he discovered Orgone energy, was subsequently rendered penniless and confined to a penitentiary to live out his days. And all because he wouldn’t retract any of his statements about Orgone energy. Crazy, huh?

 But I won’t do that here. I will simply point out that one could liken Wilhelm Reich to Galileo. In the same way that Galileo was persecuted and prosecuted by the Christian Church for revealing that the Earth was not the center of the universe, so too was Wilhelm Reich persecuted and prosecuted for revealing the existence of Orgone energy, or the life force, and refusing to back down on his claims when ordered to do so by a court. Both our heroes may come from different periods in history, but the attitude from society at large is still at its draconian best. Things haven’t really changed that much.

 The discerning reader can quite easily garner all the information they could possibly want or need about Orgone energy from a number of different sources on the web, they do not need me to try to put a new slant on what is already out there.

 Instead, I will restrict myself here to relating my personal experience with Orgone energy; it’s what I know for certain and, in my humble opinion, it will be a far more interesting and insightful journey for my reader, rather than having to plod through a whole lot of information they have encountered elsewhere before.

 Like most folks out there, I too was rather skeptical about the existence of something I could not see, feel, smell or hear. However, these Orgone energy devices are said to be excellent when it comes to neutralizing electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), and radiation from such things as mobile phone towers, wi fi and so on, and I felt that ANYTHING I could do about neutralizing some of the electronic smog around me and my family at home would be better than doing nothing. I hoped there was some truth to the existence of Orgone energy and what the Orgone generators, or Holy Hand Grenades, as they are called, did, but if not, at least I will have given it a go and tried to do something positive. 

 My background is in the spray painting industry, and after over 18 years of running my own refinishing concern I had no issues or concerns about handling ‘heavy’ industrial chemicals. So one day I decided, “what the heck!” And I started to put together everything I might need to begin my personal Orgone adventure.

 Before I proceed much further, I must give credit where it is due, and everything I know and learned about Orgone energy and the making of the generators, I learned from one of the people I hold in the highest esteem: Mr Ken Adachi of educate-yourself.org. However, because of all my time spray painting and refinishing I have a keen sense of what I consider to be works of art, or ‘works of heart’, as I prefer to call them - “beauty”, they say, “is in the eye of the beholder” - and although I have taken the basic ideas and principles from Ken, I have injected my own brand of creativity and know-how into the process. As a result, you will see some rather distinctive ‘works of heart’ - like no others in the Orgone listings on ebay - coming from me, all the way from the bottom of Australia.

 Now, back to my story: when I first began making the generators in the pyramidal shape, I really wasn’t paying too much attention. It was more just something to have a go at rather than anything to be taken seriously, after all, I was not convinced in any way that I could make something that would, essentially, harness the creative energies of the Universe. The first two pyramids I made were dirty great monstrosities - I was just throwing stuff together - but they gave me some idea and feel for the whole process.

 The third one was going to be smaller than the first two, and I wanted to make it right, so I thought it best to get some expert advice. I consulted Mr Ken Adachi’s invaluable web site, educate-youself.org - I learned all about the coils I needed to use and just about everything I needed to know to be able to build a working Orgone generator…one for real, this time. Ken is a literal fount of wisdom! I would recommend to anyone reading this who hasn’t visited educate-yourself.org to do so and to educate yourself. And it will be the BEST education you could possibly receive!

 The main crystal in my third pyramid was to be special, something I could rely on, so I used a Double Terminated Morella Smokey Quartz from my crystal altar. The copper coil was correctly coiled at the bottom (this design, I learned, was actually the subject of a crop circle), with another copper coil, coiled differently at the top, but with the same dimensions as the first. Everything was done as best as I could do it on the day, the resin was poured into the mold and the pyramid was made. Now it was a case of wait and see.

 The pyramid popped out of the mold surprisingly easily the next day and, even though it was daylight hours, I put on the halogen reading lamp behind me, to get as much light and reflection off of the pyramid as I could to begin my close quarters scrutiny.

 I saw what I thought was a fine hairline crack between the metal matrix of brass and aluminium on the second level and the DT crystal at the top, and quickly turned the pyramid to check the next face to see if it too had cracked. And it had! I found what looked like a similar crack to the first  in exactly the same place on this second face – and it was there on the next face, and the next. All four faces had what looked to be a very fine hairline cracking.  “Okay,” I thought, going into damage control, “what have I got here (expletive deleted)?” I slowly dragged my thumbnail across the ‘crack’ to see what I could feel, but the crack did not register under my thumbnail as an indentation, so it was obviously not a crack, “so what is it?” I wondered as I tilted the pyramid to catch the reflection and saw not one, but two such ‘crack’ lines on each face of the pyramid, leading from the metal matrix in the middle up to the tip of the DT crystal, where they abruptly terminated. This pattern, which reminded me of a dressmaker’s dummy wearing a gown, repeated itself on all four faces in exactly the same way.

 I was rather annoyed that my third attempt at making a pyramid had been thwarted and now I wanted to know what factors caused the shapes to appear, and how to perhaps avoid them in future.

 I studied this third pyramid very closely using everything I knew from my years of experience, and kept coming up blank. I could think of nothing that would cause these shapes. Fleetingly, almost scoffing at the idea, I toyed with the notion that the markings on the pyramid might be the outlines of an energy vortex running through the middle, causing the resin to cure differently in those areas - basically, resin shrinks as it cures and releases solvents, and the areas where the shapes were had not shrunk back like the rest of it. I say "fleetingly", because that's all it was and I dismissed the idea almost as soon as it formed, as being outside the realms of possibility. But the thought kept niggling. And the more it presented itself to me, the more convinced I became that the presence of the markings had to indicate the presence of an energy within the pyramid; they HAD to be connected. When the penny finally dropped, and I realised the markings I could see and feel could not have been caused by ANYTHING else apart from a distinct difference in curing tension, between areas where there was no vortex and areas where there was...I nearly fell off my chair in complete and utter disbelief. There could be no other possible explanation! It simply had to be what it looked like, as incredible, unbelievable and as untenable as the whole idea seemed.

 Ok, so having decided - against all logic and reason - it simply had to be a genuine, fair dinkum (as we say in Oz) vortex inside this pyramid, I now wanted to know whether this effort was a one-off, or whether I could expect to see it duplicated on all pyramids made in this way. And it was!

 Every single pyramid made since that third pyramid bears this identical energy signature.

 Now there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Orgone energy exists. In the same way that a photographic exposure will sometimes capture the image of someone who has passed away, or a ‘ghost’, the curing resin has undoubtedly captured the image of the Orgone energy signature, visible in no other way.

I have always been a maverick when it comes to what you can put with what, as far as painting and paints are concerned, and I either bomb out dismally or come up with some startling ways of doing things that no one else knows enough about, or is willing to try. Something I have recently observed is that I can use a dye inside the pyramids as a Tracer Dye to show the energy vortex in action. The material I'm using is quite foreign to the resin and the manufacturer does not recommend it, but it appears to work rather well without any ill effects to the pyramidal structure. The resulting effect is so obvious, it leaves one in no doubt that there IS a distinct and definite energy flow within the pyramid...the dye proves it!

 If you prefer, I can put a piece of felt on the bottom of the pyramid, or leave it the way it is. If you don’t intend putting the pyramid on a rotary slide show, felt is probably the better option. If you are the purchaser please let me know your choice, at the time of purchase.

If you purchase one of these, my personal suggestion is to remove the pyramid from the box when you receive it, carefully place her on a table before you, put your hands to either side of the pyramid with the secondary chakras of both palms facing her, and introduce yourself to your new friend and ally. Talk to her as if talking to a person, for she is an energy form the same as you are, make no mistake about that; you might find that the pyramid, not you, is the superior energy form between the two of you. It has long been accepted knowledge that crystals receive, store and send information and if the grid in the centre is charged with intentions - being smack bang in the centre of the vortex - those intentions will be carried on the vortex onto their destination in the DT crystal,  where they will be refined for manifestation and emitted. Ask your new ally for her help and guidance, and let her know very clearly how you want her to help you. As I stated, talk to her as if talking to a person...no, I’m not kidding! I’m so fair dinkum here, if I could, I would pin your ears to the wall to make sure you were paying attention. Talk to your pyramid out loud as you would to a person, and tell her how you want her to help you so that the grid within will charge to your intentions and your new pyramid will be tailored for you. One of these pyramids at each corner of the house and one in the centre, charged to activate the other four in the grid will create an incredibly powerful, positive energy grid that simply nothing will penetrate. After all, whether we know it or not, our planet has been protected by a planetary grid of pyramids for millenia. An Orgone energy accumulator/generator, as I have come to learn, does not simply remove and replace EMFs in your environment - that's the easy bit - it actually removes and transforms negative energy put out by you and others as well, which is the 'hard bit'. Watch people's attitudes become friendlier and more accepting around one of these. And this, to me, is the most amazing thing about Orgone energy!

 While I’m making Orgone generators, I can see no reason why they can't be Orgone generators par excellence, and objets d'art at the same time. I began making pyramids with the classic metal shavings look, and indeed I still do, as will be seen on these listings, but I soon tired of the 'metal' look and wanted something that looked nicer, prettier, if you like. One day while meditating, I put my desire out there to the Source Field and the configuration my reader sees in my pyramids right now is a consequence of what I was given. OK, I had a configuration, but I was still uncertain about going too far away from the conventional metal shavings or swathe. I didn't want to find myself making novelty pyramids, instead of Orgone pyramids. "One can't hurt", I thought, and made my first crystal pyramid.

As I mentioned earlier, the vortex I found on the metal matrix pyramid ran between the metal on the second level and the DT crystal in the tip. On the new crystal pyramid, however, the vortex - when popped out of the mould - was found to reach right down to the base. It started at the very bottom of the pyramid and went up to the crystal at the top, the vortex was twice as wide and jutted out twice as far on the outside, so much so, that the guy at the polyester suppliers told me that I must be doing something to the mould to cause the shape. I agreed with him that the shape looks like it could be caused by tampering with the mould, that is, if the shape was indented, but it wasn't, it juts outwards, proud of the surface, as I pointed out to him, so how on earth did he think I could possibly cause that to happen? Indented, maybe yes, but to make it proud is impossible! Of course, he had no answer and has failed to find any solution since (he never will). His wife, who works with him, actually pulled my daughter aside one day and asked her in that quiet we-are-both-girls-and-you-can-confide-in-me way that girls use between each other, what I had done to the mould to cause the shape. None of this story can possibly be made up, one simply can't make up stuff like this, but all the same, I never ask for blind faith...I will prove what I'm saying! All I ask is that any critics of disbelievers offer the same courtesy as I do, and prove with empirical evidence what they claim in the same way, or better than I do. I will be taking photos of the vortex on the outside of a metal matrix pyramid and on the outside of a crystal one, and the reader can decide for himself/herself, whether I'm making novelty pyramids or the real thing. 

If you are still reading, thank you for sharing this small journey with me. Whether my reader chooses one of my generators or one of those from somewhere else, or even makes one themself, it really doesn't matter. The important thing is to somehow bring an Orgone generator into your personal space, because Orgone energy/the Life Force is so necessary on so many levels, especially during these times. It will literally change your life. I guarantee it!



On 24-Nov-12 at 21:59:02 AEDST, seller added the following information:

Pyramid Orgone Generator With D.T. Herkimer Diamond crystal in Apex.