
ESP32-WROVER is a powerful and small controller with onboard camera and wireless.
This kit helps you learn and use it with its tutorial and project examples.

We provide free technical support to help you with any questions and problems.

Main Features:

* 2 programming languages
  MicroPython and C.

* 536-page detailed tutorial
  Provides step-by-step guide and basic components knowledge. (Download needed, no paper tutorial.)
  You can download them before purchasing:


* 173 common items
  All parts needed to complete the projects in the tutorial. No soldering required.

* 82 interesting projects
  Each project has circuit diagrams and verified code with detailed explanations.

* Get support
  Our technical service team is always ready to answer your questions.

Contents of MicroPython / C Tutorial:

(Note: MicroPython tutorial have slight differences.)

  Programming Software
  Environment Configuration
  Notes for GPIO
Chapter 1 LED
  Project 1.1 Blink
Chapter 2 Button & LED
  Project 2.1 Button & LED
  Project 2.2 MINI Table Lamp
(Download tutorial for details)
Chapter 25 TCP/IP
  Project 25.1 As Client
  Project 25.2 As Server
Chapter 26 Camera Web Server
  Project 26.1 Camera Web Server
What's Next?