<Whatever you do, do it as you will.
In Sanskrit, the Mani-pearl is called "cinta mani," where "mani" is a pearl and "cinta" means to think or contemplate. In Buddhist scriptures, the treasure bead is said to grant all that is envisioned in the mind and fulfill all wishes. The word "ruyi" in the word "ruyihozu," also known as "nyoi" means "as one wills," or "as one wills." The Goddess of Mercy, Kannon, who is said to do whatever she wills, also holds a mani-pearl in her hand. Various sutras describe Manihotsu as having the power to cure illness, prevent calamities, and illuminate darkness, among other things. The text says that if a poor person obtains the Ruyi Pearl, he or she will be able to own a mansion with a moat, a lofty tower with a large pond, and a garden rich in fruit. However, the sutra also states, "Even if you possess a jewel, if your mind is not pure, you will not be able to hear the voice of the Buddha.
<What is Manipotsu?
Mani-paozhu, also called Ruyi-paozhu, is often used in divination and divination. They are spherical at the bottom and conical at the top, like an onion, and can be seen on the tops of stupas and Buddhist temples, and on the parapets of bridges. This unique shape is a super-mystical figure that combines two incompatible phenomena, burning "fire" and dripping "water," into a single form, and is said to release the owner's wishes, which are put into the sphere, from the tip into the universe.
<Embodiment of the divine form.
The world is composed of two opposing elements, yin and yang. The Manipotent Pearl can be said to be the embodiment of the form of God by integrating the two elements of fire (ka) and water (mi). In the "Goshokoku" left by Kukai to his disciples, there is a description of the Nyorai-botsu (Ruyi-botsu): "The Nyorai-botsu is a symbol of Nyorai's intention to govern the universe and an expression of his compassion for all living things. It is true that the jewel is an alter ego of Nyorai Buddha. It is a secret above secrets, the most profound above the most profound. The Nyorai mentioned in the "Goshokoku" refers to Dainichi Nyorai, who is considered to be one with the universe itself in esoteric Buddhism.

The Ruyi Bouzu Rumor of Satoshi-kun (blue-purple) is a lucky jewel with a beautiful blue-purple hue. This jewel is said to have the power to make wishes come true and is the object of desire for many people.

Satoshi-kun spent about 50 years to create this jewel. Satoshi has always wished to become one with the stone and bring happiness to people through its existence. This jewel created by his passion and skill is truly a power stone that attracts ultimate luck.

By wearing this jewel, you can maximize your own potential. Satoshi-kun's powerful energy will bring you luck and success.

This Satoshi-kun jewel will guide you in the right direction in your life. Wear it with faith to make your wishes come true.

*Please handle with care. Avoid careless use of this jewel as it grants many wishes at once.