For Sale is one (1) KYA Beat Newspaper, Volume 1, Number 9.  Date: September 25,1965. San Francisco Radio Station 1960's Teen Newspaper. News of the latest Pop and Rock Stars, local S.F. Bay Area groups, British Invasion, and more.  The Newspaper Magazine measures: approx. 11 1/2" x 15"; sixteen (16) pages. With Interviews, Editorials, Top 30 Song Survey, and more. This Sonny Bono Cover issue features pictures and/or text with: Sonny and Cher, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Robert Vaughn, Frankie Albano, Righteous Brothers, Ian Whitcomb, Brenda Holloway, Herman, The Hideaways, Jimmy O'Neill, Roy Head, British Top 10 List,  KYA Top 30 List, "Hallelujah Trail" Film Review, and much more.  The newspaper is beautiful, very clean, light+ paper yellowing, and graded NEAR MINT condition.  View the images provided.   Visually graded under  very bright lighting and magnification.  Foreign please email me for multiple item Shipping costs (i.e. Insurance, Registered, Tracking Number, etc.).