鹿角霜: cornu cervi degelatinatum、Cervus nippon Temminck、Cornu Cervi、deer's horn deglued

Please take it under the guidance of Traditional Chinese medicine.


The main components of deer's horn deglued are calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, nitride and colloid. In addition, it contains aspartic acid, threonine, Serine and glutamic acid Acid, Proline, Glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, Lysine, group Glycine (histidine), arginine (arbvginine). The separation of hypoxanthine, Uracil, urea and creatinine from n-butanol extract of hairy antler was studied.


鹿角霜主要成分为磷酸钙、碳酸钙、氮化物及胶质等。另含天冬氨酸(aspartic acid)、苏氨酸(threonine)、丝氨酸(serine)、谷氨酸(glutamic acid)、脯氨酸(proline)、甘氨酸(glycine)、丙氨酸(alanine)、缬氨酸(valine)、异亮氨酸(isoleucine)、亮氨酸(leucine)、苯丙氨酸(phenylalanine)、赖氨酸(lysine)、组氨酸(histidine)、精氨酸(arbvginine)等174种氨基酸。从多毛鹿角的正丁醇提取物中分得次黄嘌呤(hypoxanthine)、尿嘧啶(uracil)、尿素(urea)和肌酸酐(creatinine)。


Used in the treatment of kidney, spleen and kidney Yang deficiency, do not feel like eating, vomiting, diarrhea, spermatorrhea, frequent urination, urgency, and so on, applicable to have backache, impotence, semen leakage, enuresis, haemoptysis, bloody urine, uterine bleeding,metrorrhagia and metrostaxis. And external use for traumatic bleeding,  symptoms of a ulcers that does not heal for a long time, there is a certain effect. Can effectively stop bleeding, nourishing kidney, promote disease recovery. Cornu cervi degelatinatum can also be used to treat sleep problems, and can be combined with keels and oysters to make it more potent. For nourishing kidney, take with cistanche.

Note:  do not take with rhubarb at the same time, pregnant women do not take. For effect, you can powder the cervus nippon temminck, every morning empty stomach to take the powder with warm wine, or take with proper amount of boiled water after melting.  The daily dosage is 6-12g.  



注意: 除了阴虚火旺的人不要使用,不要和大黄同时服用,孕妇慎用,没有其他的食用禁忌,为了保证效果,可以把鹿角霜弄成粉末,每天早上空腹用温酒服用,或者以适量开水溶化后服用。每天用量6~12g