4 Newfoundland Covers. 1930, 1941, 1949, 1950.2 Commercial, 1OHMS. 1 personal.

The 2 commercial are from J. F. Jackman, Commission Agent, 5 Cochrane St , St Johns, Newfoundland, postmarked Mar 23  1950. With a 4c Princess Elizabeth stamp.

The second is from R. C. Rose, St Johns , Newfoundland. Postmarked Dec 11, 1930. It has two 3c Coronation stamps on it.

The other two are a OHMS to Philadelphia with a 15c Baby Whitecoat Northern Seal stamp. Plus a cover comemmorating the confederation of Canada and Newfoundland. 1949. With a 4c prince of Wales( King Edward 8th) stamp, in military uniform.