3++ page letter datelined "Edinburgh, 27th June 1848' from "J. Ancrecsu" (that's my best guess, signed back at the top of the  first page.

On the obverse, an "EDINBURGH JU 27 G" in red, next to a manuscript "2" for 2 shillings.  A blurry "BOSTON MS." in red datestamp appears to have a "JUL 18" date.  A "34" has been struck as the Boston unpaid rate.

On the reverse, a green "LIVERPOOL JU 28" receiving marking and a Liverpool "JU 28" black oval to represent it being turned over for transatlantic travel.   

Addressed to "Mr. Robert Philip, Waukesha, Waukesha County, Wisconsin Territory, North America."

Content includes (most spelling corrected):

"Your letter & newspaper came safe to hand and we were very glad to hear from you since more for we had almost given up all hopes of ever hearing from you again when your welcome letter arrived.  In looking over your letter I see that you have had your own share of difficulty to encounter but still I am glad that you are still in the land of the living and the proprietor of so many acres of land.  You might have given us some more particulars how you had the misfortunate to get your arm broke and the boy got his leg broken.  I am sorrow to think that Ann had been so unwell for her sickness and your own accident must have caused you a great deal of anxiety of mind but I hope you and the family will enjoy good health and that they will soon be able to assist you as far as they are able.  You don't mention in your letter if your father in law ever came out to you or not for when you left England that he intended to follow.

"I am very happy that you are so well pleased with America and that you will continue to do so.  I was sorrow to see that you had the misfortune to fall in amongst some scamp from Auld Reikie but if they did take you in a little, I hope it will not be lost upon you the old saying Bought wit is always the best.  You say you would like Mary to come out too.  She is still in service yet.  Mr. Terries Nesbet House near Dunse in Berwickshire is her address.  She was very unwell some months since so much that the Butler came in to town for Janet and went out with him and returned some days until the Doctor thought she had got the turn for the better.  The family are very kind to her.  We wrote her that we had got a letter from you and she wants have a read of it.  So we intend to send it out to her but you had better write to her yourself.

"Your brother John & Family have been in Greenock for nearly two years.  He is working at the Joiner Trade.  We had a visit from Betty.  She had been down at Thurs looking after her property some time ago.  Her 3 boys are all working at the Engineer Trade.  Christy & her Partner were still in Greenock the last word we heard from hem.  We intended to have gone through to Greenock to have seen what they were all about but we have been prevented from doing so inconsequence of our son George.  He has been confined to his bed for the last six weeks past, who in still in very bad health.  John is still at home and in his ordinary way and is a very steady man in his manner.  Not that he has any vicious ways but just he thinks always he would be better some other way altho he has plenty of work at house to show you a specimen of him.  He set off to Hull last Saturday without ever letting us know until he was going away and we have not heard from him as yet.  Janet is much in her ordinary way working away but willing.  She thinks that you might have mentioned your daughters names were but don't forget in next letter to let her know.

More content on the postal side and at the beginning similar to the above.


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