Welcome To Skypress

Skypress is a Universal Site Builder that let's you create beautiful websites, online stores, courses, blogs, search engines, business directory, portals, internet tv & radio, desktops, delivery service, classified ads, squeeze pages, gaming sites, movie database & more instantly.

Professional designs, powerful features and a simple interface to build anything you want. Just drop all your files into one folder then select your template, Skypress does most of the work for you.

USB Drive Comes With The Lastest Version Of Skypress

Sky is the limit. What will you create?

Includes online store, galleries, mailing lists, squeeze page, analytics, job applications, contact forms and much more.


  • Build Your Site On Autopilot - Drop all your files and media into your "myfiles" folder, then select any site template to build your site. Fast & Easy!
  •  Autolink - Bulk upload thousands of blogs in txt format to your "myfiles" folder. Blogs are automatically included and linked to your site's homepage.
  •  Multi Site - Use multiple site templates to create a site with multiple features. Additional templates are displayed in your site's menu.
  •  Instant Online Store - Upload your store items to your "myfiles" folder in jpg format & include a dash before your price within the filename. Ex: "Red Table Lamp - 50.jpg" Skypress will set this item price at $50.00 - Payment system includes shopping cart, paypal, cash app & zella.
  •  Auto Sync - Sync files together with similar filenames automatically into one post or page. Ex: The Post "Build A Car" will contain "Build A Car.txt", "Build A Car.jpg" & "Build A Car.mp4" automatically if the files exist in your "myfiles" folder. Acceptable file types are txt, jpg, mp3, & mp4.
  • AI Chat Bot - The use of AI chatbots on business websites is a growing trend. Customers and visitors often have questions that need answers in order for them to move forward with their purchase of your. Having an AI chatbot on your website increases your customer service capabilities by providing quick and accurate responses at anytime of the day.
  •  Fast Internet Radio & TV Builder - Just upload all your mp3s or mp4s to your "myfiles" folder then select your template.
  •  Free Upgrades - Get free updates, support, tutorials, easy site backup and more.
  •  Make More Money - Import ads, post sponsor listings, advertise, or charge a subscription fee for business lisings or use Skypress Affiliate Program.
  • Upload HTML Templates - Comes with over 90 customizable web templates. Plus you can download HTML Templates online and edit them with Skypress! 
  • Media Master Template - Let's you create a powerful movie, tv & music site. Discovering movies by categories or A to Z sorting!


Is hosting and a domain name required?

Yes, you can use cloud or shared hosting. We also recommend hosting that supports ftp access and cpanel.

What hosting company do you recommend?

Any hosts that supports php will run Skypress. We recommend Hostinger.com, hostarmada.com & fastcomet.com. We do not recommend godaddy or gatorhost.

Can I run ads on my site?

Yes, Skypress let's you import ad network publishing code. You can also run your own PPC advertising network with Skypress.

Do I get tech support?

Skypress comes with tech support & Youtube video tutorals

How easy is it to install Skypress?

Super easy, open skypress zip. Unzip the Skypress folder on your PC. Then use filezilla, to upload all the Skypress files to your server. That's it!


Skypress only requires PHP 5.5 or higher to run. 250 megs hard drive space.
Does not requires mysql or any plugins.

Why Choose Skypress Builder

"Developer Friendly, Clean Code, Stable Platform, Customize HTML, PHP, CSS, JS"

" Purchase Once & Use On Unlimited Sites, SEO Friendly, Mobile Responsive, Loads Fast"

"Tools for Everyone - Freelancers, Developers, Agencies, Ecommerce Owners Or Affiliates"