SANTO GUSTO FOR THE HOME- The official Far Cry 6 Coffee

250 grams in paper bag

if you consider consuming: to be consumed by 08/2023 latest

Feel like you are in tropical paradise on the Caribbean island of Yara and enjoy the Santo Gusto coffee.
Only real guerrilla fighters drink Santo Gusto coffee! A perfect gift for all coffee connoisseurs with a penchant for adventure


This 100% organically grown coffee from the manufacturer SanSiro ​​is a mixture of the two varieties Arabica and Robusta and is delivered in an environmentally friendly paper bag.
Out of respect for you and out of love for the environment, SanSiro ​​coffee is also free from chemical products of any kind


The SanSiro ​​organic coffee crema seduces with its velvety aroma and a particularly airy crema.
The Arabica-Robusta mixture gives the crema enjoyment its expressive character, which is rounded off by a fruity long-lasting aftertaste. Intensity 6/10


These high-quality organic coffee beans can be traced back to Africa and will melt the heart of every coffee lover.
Thanks to our gentle and fresh long-term roasting, the low-acid aromas come into their own
    This coffee can be used for all coffee machines and is best suited for the preparation of a full-bodied espresso or cappuccino

Comes in bubbled envelope with tracking ID

insured shipping !
