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excellent to near mint playing cards as shown.
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Rarities of cards mentioned are as I understand them. 
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Up to 30% 
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Restocked 8/4

    • Number of variations246
    • Guardians FPG CCG TCGAmazing Cinder-Man, The U1, Amber Well C1, Angel U1, Angel of Death C1, Angel of Righteousness C1, Annihilator Cloud U2, Archangel Odessa R1, Archer C1, Arms of the Earth R2, Arnath, Lord of the Skies U1, Arwyddyn C4, Axeman U2, Baal-a-Gog U1, Babe Hound C1, Babes Bribery 2, Baleful Eye C1, Baezhu, Overlord of Twisted Ways C4, Bantam Drake U1, Barnacle Bazulee R4, Barrow Wight C3, Beer Bribery C2, Big Groaning Cankerd U1, Black Lotus R1, Black Lung C1, Black Unicorn R2, Blackthwaite Jumper U1, Bone Fright R3, Bold Mold U1, Bob, Snapping Gob R4, Brown Backs C1, Bruno Smashmouth, Union Boss C1, Bulbous Clamjack C1, Bungee Bony Ridged U1, Burrowing Barg C1, Buster Scrimbo C3, Buzzard C4, Buzz, Vampire Mosquito U3, Cabin Boy C4, Cactus McFingers C2, Caddy C1, Captain C1, Captain Hannibal R2, Captain Red R2, Caring Guy C4, Carrag the Black R2, Castellan Keir C1, Cave Giant C1, Chephros C3, Chickenhead McCracken U1, Clamjack Bomber C3, Cleric U1, Corporal C1, Crackhatch, at Large U1, Cratur Hobbs U2, Crook End Snoot U1, Crook End SNOOTER U1, Crystal Flash R2, Cyclops C1, Dead-Eye McGrue U3, Delilah Rangoon C1, Demorgan the Inciter R2, Desert Giant C1, Detect Life Force C1, Devil Dog C1, Devil Hedgehog C1, Disgruntled Postal Worker U2, Djinn U1, Doomwing U1, Dreaded Doom Dog C1, Drooling Clamjack C1, Druk C3, Dry Heaps, The R3, Dust Geyser C1, Eagle-Eye McFinny R3, Earth Elemental C1, " Eats " Cockroach King U2, Elandar, Mighty Wizard R1, Elder Cave Giant U2, Embryonic Witch U2, Energy Leach R2, Energy Toad U1, Eternal Witch Lord R2, Eye of Long Spying C1, Fangis the Hunter C3, Farmer Brown R1, Female Pixie U1, Female Titan C1, Fire Walker C1, First Mate Muldoon C2, Flame Geyser C3, Floyd the Flying Pig U2, Garuda Kahn, First Disciple R4, Giant Ants C2, Giant Babe C1, Giant Penguin C1, Giant Shaman R3, Gnorg, Overlord of Swamps U2, Gn'Omish Gnomes C1, Goat U3, Golden Fleecer U3, Golfer U2, Gopher U4, Goral Skag C1, Grahzue Lover of Vice R3, Great Ba'te C1, Great Black Ri'Shar R3, Great Fanged Ogre U1, Great Horned Troll R3, Greater Energy Elemental ?, Greedy Fiend U2, Green Missy C4, Grilbus C1, Grim Skull R2, Groatie R4, Grotto Troll C3, Groupie U1, Gumbo Jake C2, Gunner C1, Haba Naba Kaba C1, Hackthorn Strangler C2, Hair-de-hobbins C1, Hal, a Toasis Dragon R2, Heels of Speed U2, Holy Avenger R2, Holy Grail R2, Hook Toed Gnasher C2, Horse C1, Howling Reaver C2, Huge Rock Giant U2, Ice Elemental C1, Ice Ogre C1, Ice Spirit C1, Ice Storm C1, Icky Bugs C3, Initiate of Entropy U4, Iron Crag Baggler C1, Iron Crag Boggler C1, Iron Crag Buggler C1, Iron Lord U1, Ix, Overlord of the Waters C3, Jalupee Lobo C4, Jambo Slick, Smuggler C1, Jamchops the Trader C3, Jibber C1, Jonstollo the Seeker C4, Karnis the Transcender U2, Kazarian Squawker C4, Kikijub U1, King of Mystfall R2, Knife of Shadow C4, Koset of the Light C3, Lake Serpent R2, Land Drake R3, Large Idol U1, Leprechaun C1, Lizard Skin Lynn C4, Lizards On The Toast R3, Longshot Louie U3, Lying Scum C4, Lowland Troll C2, Mad Fiend U2, Magma Elemental C1, Magnate Justice C4, Male Pixie C1, Male Titan C2, Manly Guy C1, Marshal U1, Medicine Man C3, Mendu Sada, the Havoc R4, Merchant U1, Minataur C1, Monolith of Chaos C2, Mountains, Mu Kir' Agavati, Second Disciple U3, Mud Elemental C1, Mule C1, Nob, Rapicious Gob R4, Necromancer R2, Old Gumper C4, Old Mold C1, Orella of the Mist R2, Paladin R2, Pauly, Official Parrot R2, Pesky Varmit C1, Phil, Bar Fly C2, Pig Dog U1, Primordial Goo C1, Prince of the Lost C1, Professor Heisenburg R2, Rain Spirit U2, Randy Creek Regulars R1, Razor Shiefa C4, Razor Sliph R3, Red Master of Shadow C3, Reverend Smilin' Jackoid R2, Reverend Smilin' Jackold R2, Rey, Overlord of Trees unk, River Giant C3, Rivers and Lakes C1, Roaming Steam Geyser R3, Rock Giant C1, Rock Lord U1, Rock Spirit C1, Rot Rat C1, Rotten Guy C2, Rouge Specter U1, Roving Force Inferno R1, Rubble ( +6 Vitality ), Rubble ( Freebooter Stronghold ), Sacrificial Altar R2, Sand Lord C1, Schneeble U1, Schneebolt C2, Scurvy Dog R3, Seer C2, Shadow Spy U1, Shadow Warrior R2, Shadrune R3, Shield, Shin Chios, Third Disciple R3, Skeletal Minion C1, Slatch Willer C3, Sleeping Spirit C1, Slimwit Man R2, Sloarch U1, Slor, Overloard of the Wastes U4, Smoke Spirit U1, Snogwart C1, Snow Daughters C1, Speckled Clamjack C1, Spires C1, Spirit Guide C3, Standard Bearer Brom's Skull Shield, Standard Bearer Dragon, Succubus U1, Starling Dodd Boys C3, Summon Gravity Well C1, Sun Spirit C2, Supermodeloid C2, Swamp C SP, Swordsman C2, Tanniker Smith C1, Thackle C1, Thunder Hawk R2, Tiger Baloo C4, Tree Ogre C2