
Solange - A Seat At The Table (Black Vinyl)

Vinyl 2LP


Label:Saint Records
Pressung:EU - Original
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Black Vinyl Edition!

Solange’s new record is stunning, a thematically unified and musically adventurous statement on the pain and joy of black womanhood.

Solange Knowles turned 30 in June, and it seems clear that her Saturn Returns manifested in an artistic surge. A Seat at the Table, her third full-length album, is the work of a woman who’s truly grown into herself, and discovered within a clear, exhilarating statement of self and community that’s as robust in its quieter moments as it is in its funkier ones.


A1.RiseTroy Johnso...
A2.WearyTroy Johnso...
A3.Interlude: The Glory Is In YouTroy Johnso...
A4.Cranes In The SkyTroy Johnso...
A5.Interlude: Dad Was MadTroy Johnso...
B1.MadLil WayneTroy Johnso...
B2.Don't You WaitTroy Johnso...
B3.Interlude: Tina Taught MeSamphaTroy Johnso...
B4.Don't Touch My HairTroy Johnso...
B5.Interlude: This MomentTroy Johnso...
C1.Where Do We GoTroy Johnso...
C2.Interlude: For Us By UsTroy Johnso...
C3.F.U.B.U.BJ The Chic...Troy Johnso...
C4.Borderline (An Ode To Self Care)Q-TipTroy Johnso...
C5.Interlude: I Got So Much Magic, ...Kelly Rowla...Troy Johnso...
D1.JunieTroy Johnso...
D2.Interlude: No LimitsTroy Johnso...
D3.Don't Wish Me WellTroy Johnso...
D4.Interlude: PedestalsTroy Johnso...
D5.ScalesKelelaTroy Johnso...
D6.Closing: The Chosen OnesTroy Johnso...

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