Peach Girl: Volume 1 DVD (2007) cert PG Highly Rated eBay Seller Great Prices

Title: Peach Girl: Volume 1 Region: Region 2 Duration: 125 mins Format: DVD / Normal Type: DVD No. of Discs: 1 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: Fremantle UK Release Date: 23 Jul 2007

Episodes 1-5 of the Japanese anime series about the fortunes of a tanned high school girl. Momo Adachi, because of her tanned look, is tarred with the same brush as all the other micro-skirted schoolgirls who dress so; a beach-bunny, a girl of easy virtue. Poor Momo (meaning 'Peach' in Japanese) is innocent as a babe and only tanned because of her position on the swim team and a predisposition to taking a tan quickly. The object of her desires, Toji, only goes for the pale skinned girls, rocking Momo-chan's confidence severely. She spends a lot of effort trying to change her appearance and fit his ideal better. One of her 'friends', Sae, is a nasty piece of work and constantly attempts to net Toji for herself. All the while, there's a lovely lad named Kairi, who is utterly in love with Momo, though she can't see it.

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